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Sefer Chafetz Chayim                                                                    םייח ץפח רפס
                                 Hilchot Esurei Lashon Hara                                                            ערה ןושל ירוסיא תוכלה
                                    Kelal Yud  -  Halachah 2                                                                ד הכלה -  י ללכ

                                        Be’er Mayim                                                        ליעלדל  המוד  וניאו  .'וכו  ארבח  ךרבחד  )חי(

                (K10/2/3)-(7)  ..  first  rebuke  the  sinner:  This  is  the  opinion  of                 ןיידע  הלגתנ  אל  םא  וליפא  ונרתהש  'א  ףיעסב
                Rabbeinu Yonah in the 3  sha’ar of Shaare Teshuvah, section #221 where                     ומכ אוה םש םעטה אלהד ,קזינהו לזגנהל רבדה
                he writes “however, he has a responsibility to first rebuke this person.”
                Even though he writes later on in section #228 regarding “those people                     לכב רתומד דחא דעד אימוד י"ר םשב ונבתכש
                who do good (meaning those people who want to be untarnished from                          רעשמ אוה םא קר ךייש וניא הזו ,דיעהל ינווג
                speaking  even Avak  Lashon  Hara),  their  personality  is  such  as  to  first
                speak to the sinner.”  The implication of that statement to someone who                    ןיא ךכל ,ןוממ ןינעב תלעות הזמ אובל לכותש
                carefully analyzes it is that the approach – to first speak to the sinner – is             כ"אשמ ,דחא דעד אימוד ול הלגתיש ןיששוח ונא
                (only) a rabbinical obligation, because if that was not so the remarks (the
                reprimand) would be categorized as Avak Lashon Hara and there, in the                      תלעות םיעמושה י"ע היהת אלש רעשמש וננינעב
                cited Rabbeinu Yonah, the only subject he was discussing was Lashon                        תונגה  אוהו  ר"השל  רוסיאהד  יהנ  ,ןוממ  ןינעב
                Hara.    But  regarding  the  mitzvah  to  rebuke  one’s  fellow  Jew,  the  law
                demands that one speak to the sinner first before publicizing his sin since                ןויכ ,וננינעב ונניא םדא ינב ינפב ותוא הנגמש
                we are only discussing an ordinary Jew who has no prior reputation for                     תא םינגמש םדא ינב ואריש ידכ אוה ותנווכ רקיעד
                being a Rasha and most certainly he falls within the category of “your
                brother.”   One is obligated to reprimand him (before taking any public                      ,הערה םכרדב ךלילמ וקחרתי ז"יעו ןוא ילעופ
                action) because it is possible that he will accept the rebuke and there would
                be no need to publicize his sin.                                                           הארנה  יפלו  .ךלה  ןכיה  תוליכר  רוסיאה  פ"כע

                Thus  even  if  someone  wanted  to  publicize  this  sinner’s  actions  in  the           ז"יע  בבוסיו  ןודינל  הלגתי  ןפ  לוקלקה  ה"ועב
                presence of three people, and those remarks would therefore be exempt
                from the esur of Avak Lashon Hara, as Rabbeinu Yonah states at the end                     עודיכ(  תלעות  אללו  תומוצעו  תובר  תוקולחמ
                of that reference (section #228 - please see that reference), still it would be   VOL-3    וברי אלש ידכ אוה תוליכר רוסיא םעטה רקיעד
                forbidden to disclose those actions before first (attempting to) rebuke that
                sinner because of the Torah’s imperative to reprimand a fellow Jew as long                 וקחרתיש ןוקיתהמ רתוי בורק ,)לארשיב תוקולחמ
                as there is a possibility that the sinner will accept the rebuke.  But if the              תוירבהש םתוארב הער ךרדב ךלילמ ז"יע םדא ינב
                speaker knows the sinner will not accept the reprimand, that is the context
                of Rabbeinu Yonah’s leniency (at the end of section #228 and the remarks                                  .ןוא ילעופ תונגמ
                may be disclosed in front of three people).  Because if you don’t agree with
                what I’ve said here and you hold that one does not violate the mitzvah of                  ומצעב  אוה  ילואד  ריתהל  תצק  ארבס  שיש  ףאו
                “rebuking a fellow Jew” except in an instance where no rebuke is made                      קזיההו  הליזגה  בישיו  םיערה  ויכרדמ  ז"יע  בושי
                at all, and here in this case, he does intend to rebuke the sinner but only
                after he first publicizes the sinner’s actions, it is permitted to publicize               םעטמ  ותוא  תונגמ  תוירבהש  עמשישכ  וילעבל
                this sinner’s actions now because the speaker is striving to reach the truth               טושפ יל הארנ כ"פעא ,םינפב יתבתכש ומכו הז
                and to assist the “victim” who was “injured” by this sinner’s actions.  In
                holding  to  this  (incorrect)  argument  you  would  create  a  contradiction             ןנירייאד ןויכ ,ז"יע בושי םא עדוי ימד ,רימחהל
                within the statements of Rabbeinu Yonah that appear in Shaare Teshuvah                     ףיעסב םינפב יתבתכש ומכו ותוא חיכוה רבכש
                and the statements that are quoted in his name by the Shetah Mekubetzet
                that  appear  in  Gemara  Babba  Batra  (39b),  that  the  Shetah  Mekubetzet              כ"א ,ותחכות לבקי אלש עדוי אוהש שיאב וא ,'ב

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