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Sefer Chafetz Chayim                                                                    םייח ץפח רפס
                                 Hilchot Esurei Lashon Hara                                                            ערה ןושל ירוסיא תוכלה
                                    Kelal Yud  -  Halachah 2                                                                ד הכלה -  י ללכ

                disclosing his sin since he refused to accept the reprimand).  All this is if              ףוסב  מ"שה  םש  םייסמ  ירהד  ,וניא  הז  םג  לבא
                the sinner is an ordinary Jew and especially if the person who committed
                the  sin  is  a  Torah  observant  Jew,  then  most  certainly  the  obligation            :ל"זו ארמ יפאד ארמימ יאה לע ושוריפב ןינעה
                is to first approach him and talk to him \ rebuke him privately to try to                  תונהל ןיוכתמ וניאש םדאה לע תחכומ תאזה הדמהו
                understand his rationale for doing what he did and to try to determine what
                leniencies he though applied to his actions that brought him to do what                    הצע עמשיש אוה ןיוכתמ אלא וריבחב םגפ תניתנב
                he did.  Because if that is not so, one could never conform to the second                  הנוי 'ר ריתמ םש ירהו ,'וכו ותוא תונגמ תוירבהש
                rule of this Kelal.  Perhaps this (so‑called) sinner will demonstrate that
                his actions were really correct and were within the law, as Chazal teach in                םיברל קזחומ אוהש שיאב אתלת יפאב אלש וליפא
                Mishnayot Avot (2  perek, 4  mishnah) “Do not judge your fellow Jew                        ול רמוא יאדוב היהש םושמ ןרקשו ףנוח ונניאש
                and come to a conclusion until you first place yourself in his position.”
                (Please see the following Hagahah).                                                        םיברב וא ארמ יפאב םש םייסמש ומכ ,וינפב כ"ג
                                                                                                           אוה ןיוכתמש אפוג ארבס יאה םושמ ול ודיגיש
                (K10/2/4)-(8) ..  language that is gentle and non-confrontational:
                This is a quotation from the Rambam that appears in Hilchot De’Aut , the                   תונגל ידכו 'וכו ותוא תונגמ תוירבהש הצע עמשיש
                6  perek, the 7   halacha.
                                                                                                           וליפא הכייש וז ארבסד אמלא ,םיערה םישעמה
                                                                                                           חיכוהד  אכיה  וננינעב  ש"כו  ,אתלת  יפאב  אלש
                                          Hagahah                                                          ןיא יאדוד ,וירבדל עמש אלו וינפב הלחתמ ותוא

                In my humble opinion of this subject, this seems to be the implication                          .ר"השל רופיסמ תונהל ותנווכש ודשחל
                of  the  Gemara  Yevamot  (121a)   regarding  the  incident  between  Rav
                and Rav Shelah, that Rav Shelah judged a case that was brought before                      אלש אכיהד :ךכ איה 'אה םעטב הנוי 'ר תנווכו
                him regarding a woman and rendered a decision that the woman could                         רתוי  ארבתסמ  היהי  ,וינפב  הלחתמ  ותוא  חיכוה
                re‑marry (based on the details of that case brought before him), contrary
                to the law.  Because of that decision Rav wanted to excommunicate Rav                      ,ר"השל רופיסמ תונהל ידכ ותנווכש םיעמושהל
                Shehlah and Shemuel stopped him from acting until such time that Rav                       כ"כ יוצמ וניא הזד ,וינזאל םירבדה ועיגיש אלו
                would go to Rav Shehlah and ask him why he decided the case as he
                did.  And so it was, and Rav Shehlah admitted that he made a mistake.                      ותוא  חיכוה  םא  לבא  .איסהרפב  אלש  רפסמשכ
                Regarding that admission, Shemuel said the following about Rav (Mishle                     וזה תלעותל קר ותנווכש ךחרכ לע הלחתמ וינפב
                12:21) “No iniquity will happen to the righteous” (meaning, Hashem will
                not  allow  any  iniquity  to  befall  Rav  by  mistakenly  excommunicating                    .טושפ הז לכו ר"השל רופיסמ תונהל אלו
                Rav Shehlah). (Please reference Rashi’s commentary there, the citation
                beginning with the word “No”).  Implicitly, had Rav excommunicated Rav                     ןיאש  הז  ןפואב  ע"צו  .'וכו  פ"כעש  ןויכ  )זט(
                                                                                                           ריתהל ןיאד רשפא ,ןוממ ןינעב ןודינהל תלעות

                49  Re  the  quote  from  Mishnayot  Avot:  “until  you  first  place  yourself  in  his
                    position”…Because that is the essence of compassion.” Rabbi David Ozeirey
                    (Yeshiva Ateret Torah, Brooklyn, NY) quoting the Or HaChayim HaKadosh at
                    the dedication ceremony of the Adjmi Beit Midrash in Bentonville, Arkansas,      59  When someone makes a remark about ‘this person’ in a way that he will
                    March 12, 2003 – 9 Adar-Beit 5763.                                                   inevitably hear about the remark.

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