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Sefer Chafetz Chayim                  םייח ץפח רפס
 Hilchot Esurei Lashon Hara        ערה ןושל ירוסיא תוכלה
 Kelal Yud  -  Halachah 4               ב הכלה -  י ללכ

 degrading him because of his evil ways.  Therefore, this disclosure    ,ךכ לכ הלודג הלועל הז רבד םהיניעב בשחי אל
 is also exempt from the esur of Lashon Hara and is in the category
 of “achieving a useful outcome,” since the speaker had no desire to    םהיניעב הזבתי הזה טרפה תא רפסמה טימשישכו
 benefit personally (16) from this other person’s flaws.  Rather his   .טימשהל אלש דואמ רהזיל ךירצ ,דואמ
 whole motivation in assisting his fellow Jew was to strive to reach
 the truth of the matter.  Perhaps some future good will emerge as a
 result of his disclosure.  (Please see the following Hagahah).
                                        םייחה רוקמ

 But if this speaker assesses the situation and decides with certainly
 that  nothing  useful  will  result  from  his  disclosure,  for  example,    אלֹו ,'ד ףיִעסבּ ןמּקַל ראבנֶּשׁ וֹמכוּ ,תלעוֹתל ןוּכיֶּשׁ )י( )ה
 the people he is speaking to are also evil, and they are people who
 routinely act in this same way and don’t consider their actions to be    ,וֹרבחבּ ןֵתוֹנ אוּהֶשׁ ,אוּהה םגְפּהֵמ ,םוֹלָשׁו סח ,תוֹנהל
 at all sinful.  Then the speaker must be very careful with those kinds   .רבכִּמ וילע וֹל שׁיֶּשׁ ,האנִשׂ דצִּמ אלֹו
 of people not to mention this subject at all.  Besides that fact that
 nothing good can come from this kind of disclosure, it is possible
 that great harm could evolve from it because these (evil) people will
 go back to this person and repeat what the speaker said, that he was
 a thief or that he extorted or humiliated someone.  In so doing these   םייח םימ ראב
 people would violate the Lav of “Do not peddle gossip in society.”
 Also, very often making this kind of disclosure to these kinds of    רמאמב הנוי 'רב חכומ ןכ .'וכו תלעותל ןיוכיש )י(
 people  will  only  precipitate  great  controversy  and,  G‑d  forbid,    תצבוקמ הטישב איבהש המבו ט"ירו ז"טרו ח"כר
 could even lead to this person informing against the speaker to the
 governmental authorities.  Even if the speaker conforms to all of the    חכומ ןכו ל"ז הנוי 'רה תוילע םשב )א"ע ט"ל(
 seven rules listed in the prior halacha, under these circumstances it    .ש"יע 'וכו שדד ה"ד י"שרב )ב"ע ח"נ ףד( מ"בב
 would be forbidden to make a disclosure.
                       המכב שרופמ הז רבדש ,אוה ארבתסמד אתלימו
                       לע  ה"בקה  ףצוקש  המד  ל"זח  ירפסב  תומוקמ
 Understand clearly that within the context of these seven rules it
 makes  no  difference  if  the  victimized  Jew  (who  was  robbed  or    הערהש  ףא  ,לארשיל  םיעירמה  םיבכוכ  ידבועה
 cheated or humiliated) asked the speaker to disclose the damages or    טפשמבו ןידב י"שה תאמ אוה םתאמ ונל העיגמה
 the shame that was done to him or if he did not ask (and the speaker    ז"יע הכניש ידכ וניתלעותל אוהו ,וניתונוע יפכ
 made the disclosure of his own accord), the disclosure would be
 permitted.  But if the speaker did not comply with the seven listed    ושנעי הז לכ םע ,אבל דיתעל םייקנ היהנו ונינועמ
 rules, then even if he was asked to make the disclosure it would    םהש ינפמ ,לודג שנועב םיבכוכ ידבועה ךכ רחא
 not help (19) and the remarks would be forbidden.  Even if the
 speaker was a relative of the victimized Jew, the remarks would be    םיחמשו  האנש  דצמ  קר  תלעותל  םינווכמ  םניא
 forbidden.                      .היתווכד ימנ יכהו ,וניתרצב
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