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Sefer Chafetz Chayim                  םייח ץפח רפס
 Hilchot Esurei Lashon Hara        ערה ןושל ירוסיא תוכלה
 Kelal Yud  -  Halachah 6               ח הכלה -  י ללכ

 Lashon Hara and, in particular the sin of accepting Lashon Hara as    עמשמ 'וכו םירבדה רוקחל םהל שי לבא םייסש
 truth.  In this context it is very possible that people will believe the
 Lashon Hara that they hear from this boor and it will be difficult for    ןאכ  דע  ,טושפו  ךירצ  הריקח  ןיידע  התע  ףאד
 this observer to erase the impressions this boor made on the people’s   .םש יתבתכ
 heart (as Shelomo HaMelech teaches in Mishle – 18:17) “The first
 one (to present his case) seems to be righteous in his grievance,”
 meaning that first impressions are very difficult to undo).  Therefore
 it is correct and appropriate that this observer pre‑empt the boor and   םייחה רוקמ
 disclose the remarks made by him and explain to those other people
 the extent of the sin this boor committed.  The observer must tell    רבּדְַמֶּשׁ ,אוּהה שׁיִאה ןִמ המיא וילע ןיאֶשׁכּ )הכ( ,הז לכו .ח
 these other people how this boor is wanton in his remarks and that    ,וֹמִּע ערַהל וֹדי לאל שׁיֶּשׁ ,המיא וילע שׁי םִא לבא ,וילע
 there is no substance to the denigration aimed at the victim.  All this
 so that when this boor does approach these other people with his    ,וֹרבחל הָשׂעֶשׁ ,הלועה וילע רפּסל לקֵהל שׁיֶּשׁ רָשְׁפא
 degrading remarks they will not believe him at all, and even more
 than that, these other people will stand up to this boor and rebuke   .אָתלְתּ יפּאבּ אלֶֹּשׁ וּלִּפא
 him for making those comments.  When this boor sees their reaction
 and realizes they will not accept his remarks and that they consider
 him to be disgraceful and shameful, he will certainly take care not
 to repeat again the comments he made about the victim.  Therefore,   םייח םימ ראב
 in  this  instance  it  is  certainly  permissible  to  repeat  the  remarks
 made by this boor because it will save the victim from shame and    הטישב  בותכ  ןכ  .'וכו  המיא  וילע  ןיאשכ  )הכ(
 humiliation.  It will also save both the speaker and the listener from    אל ילואד 'וכו רשפא ש"מו ,י"ר םשב םש תצבוקמ
 going into Gehinnom (because in speaking together they are saving
 the victim).  In so doing, this observer also fulfills the mitzvah of    ףנוחל ותוא וקיזחי אלש ארבסהל קר הז םש בתכ
 rebuking a fellow Jew.   רתומ ורמא רבכש רתומ הז ןוגכבד י"ר בתכ כ"עו
                       בתכש ינשה םעטל כ"אשמ ,'וכו םיעשרל ףינחהל
 Be’er Mayim Chayim    אלש ןמז לכ ךייש הזב םגד רשפא ןרקשל והודשחיד
 (K10/6/1)-(21) .. the victim will gain a meaningful benefit by    ,ירש הז םעטל םגד רשפאו .םוסריפב רבדה רפיס
 it: In this particular instance we need not be concerned that word of these    רבדל היאר שיש אכיה קר ןרקשל ותוא וקיזחי אלד
 remarks will get back to the victim because it is permitted to make these
 remarks directly to the victim himself as long as we know that the outcome    בתכש  ומכ  הנושאר  וינפב  ונוע  לע  הליג  אלדמ
 (of repeating those remarks to the victim) will be beneficial.  For example,    רשפא ונממ המיא וילע שיש הזבו ,ת"שב י"רה
 the observer heard someone wanted to hurt the victim or he heard someone
 say that if he encountered the victim he would abuse him in some fashion   .'וכו רשפא יתבתכ כ"ע הז ךייש אלש
 and this observer understood that this person was not exaggerating but
 really meant it.  Under these circumstances, most certainly it is necessary
 to tell the victim what this person said in order that the victim take steps to
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