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deux semaines de prospection en avril 2003 (Lepidoptera, Lepidopterists Society 33(2): 15 (in Hebrew). -RKQ ( 0DNULV & 2001. Libythea celtis (Laicharting, 1782) -XW]HOHU ' 3LW]DOHV % GH %URV ( 1995. Les premiers
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misippus (Linnaeus, 1764) as a unique female in Lebanon 0RYVKRYLWV < 1992b. Junonia orithya female inside the city -RKQ ( 3DUNHU 5 2002. Dispersal of Hipparchia cypriensis Belgica 15(2) 47-54.
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France 17(41): 110–127. NDGLY 2 7KH EXWWHUÁ\ IURP 1HRW 6PDGDU Junonia -RKQ ( 7HQQHQW : - 2012. Marine (seawater) puddling cypriensis (Holik, 1949) from Cyprus with reference to H.
21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR | 15 - B | 21-12-30 | 11:34:49 | SR:-- | Yellow
#21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR | 15 - B | 21-12-30 | 11:34:49 | SR:-- | Black
21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR | 15 - B | 21-12-30 | 11:34:49 | SR:-- | Cyan
0HQDVK % $ .XGRP $ $ 2011. Nutritional ecology of orithya). News of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society 34(2): E\ EXWWHUÁLHV LV WKH VHD DQ XQGHU XWLOLVHG VRGLXP UHVRXUFH" pellucida (Stauder, 1923) from Georgia based of their pre-
WKH PLPHWLF EXWWHUÁ\ Hypolimnas misippus L. (Lepidoptera: 6-7 (in Hebrew). Entomologist’s Gazette 63: 135–145. imaginal stages (Lepidoptera, Satyrinae). Atalanta 50(1-4):
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Lepidopterists Society 37(2): 64 (in Hebrew). Publishing House, Israel (in Hebrew). 278 pp. asterope (Klug, 1832) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, 2009a 7UDFNLQJ WKH GHFOLQH RI WKH RQFH FRPPRQ EXWWHUÁ\
0LJGROO , 1987. )LHOG *XLGH WR WKH %XWWHUÁLHV RI 6RXWKHUQ 1DVK 5 5RWKVFKLOG 0 2001, 4 April. Exhibit at Royal Satyrinae): its biogeography, lifecycle, ecology and present delayed oviposition, demography and population genetics in
Africa. Struik Publishers, Cape Town. 256 pp. Entomological Society meeting at Rothamsted (I.A.C.R). status in Cyprus, with additional notes from Rhodes and the the hermit Chazara briseis. Animal Conservation 318: 1–12.
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Dalmatian Ringlet, Proterebia afra dalmata (Godart, [1824]) Dayereh-Sabz, Iran, 568 pp. (Text in Farsi.) -RKQ ( +DLQHV ' + +DLQHV + 0 2011. Has Chazara requirements of caterpillars of the critically endangered
(Lepidoptera, Satyrinae) in Croatia. Natura Croatica 14(2): 1D]DUL 9 WHQ +DJHQ : %R]DQR * & 2009/2010. persephone (Hübner, 1803) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, EXWWHUÁ\ Chazara briseis (L.) (Nymphalidae, Satyrinae) in the
121–129, Zagreb, 2005. Molecular systematics and phylogeny of the ‘Marbled Satyrinae) retained a secretive presence in Cyprus for one Czech Republic. Nota lepidopterologica 32(1): 39–46.
0LVK·DQ < 2018. A local population of Junonia hierta in Israel Whites’ (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Satyrinae, Melanargia hundred years? Entomologist’s Gazette 62: 79–82. .DKDQ $ 2021. Red Admiral southwards migration in Lyon,
in Summer-Autumn 2018 and a list of former records. News Meigen). Systematic Entomology 35(1): 132–147. doi: -RKQ ( 6SDUURZ ' - 6SDUURZ 5 2015a. Migration of France. News of the Israeli Lepidopterist’s Society 38(2): 39
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0LVK·DQ < 2019b. Is it the end of the Yellow Pansy 2018’s 1LFKROO 0 GH OD %HFKH 1901a %XWWHUÁLHV LQ WKH /HEDQRQ in April 2014. Entomologist’s Gazette 66: 255–262. .DQ 3 .DQ YDQ /LPEXUJ 6WLUXP % 2017. http://www.
population at the Yarkon River Park? News of the Israeli The Entomologist’s Record and Journal of Variation 13: -RKQ ( 6WHIDQHVFX & +RQH\ 0 5 &UDZIRUG 0 ÀOPLQJ YDUZLOG FRP YLGHRV KWPO DFFHVVHG
Lepidopterists Society 36(1): 45 (in Hebrew). 169–173, 205–209. 7D\ORU ' 2015b. Ceremonial releases of Danaus plexippus .DQ 3 .DQ YDQ /LPEXUJ 6WLUXP % %DOPDLQ - 3 $QWRLQH
0LVK·DQ < 2020. Local population of Danaus chrysippus f. 1LFKROO 0 GH OD %HFKH E %XWWHUÁLHV LQ WKH /HEDQRQ (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Danainae) /RQJLHUDV $ 2011. L’Azuré du baguenaudier (Iolana iolas
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LQ +HEUHZ 75–97. implications for biogeography, potential for colonisation and Alpes Côtes d’Azur? Lépidoptères, (20) 50: 124–139.
0L]UDFKL 5 2021. Junonia orithya was recorded near Mt 1XPD & YDQ 6ZDD\ & :\QKRII , :LHPHUV 0 %DUULRV a provisional listing of Asclepiadoideae from these regions. .DUDoHWLQ ( :HOFK + - 2011. 5HG %RRN RI %XWWHUÁLHV LQ
Hermon’s ski cable-car lower station, 1600 m. News of the 9 $OOHQ ' 6D\HU & /ySH] 0XQJXLUD 0 %DOOHWWR ( Entomologist’s Gazette 66: 141–156. Turkey $QNDUD 7XUNH\ 'RøD .RUXPD 0HUNH]L SS
Israeli Lepidopterist’s Society 38(2): 18 (in Hebrew). %HQ\DPLQL ' %HVKNRY 6 %RQHOOL 6 &DUXDQD 5 -RKQ ( +DUGPDQ 0 6PLWK 0 2019b. How important are .DUN 6 6KPLGW $ 1999. Lekking of Hipparcha pisidice
0RQWDJXG $ODULR 6 *DUFtD $ODPi - $ 2010. Mariposas 'DSSRUWR / )UDQHWD ) *DUFLD 3HUHLUD 3 .DUDoHWLQ olfactory cues for host-plant detection by migrating Danaus (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, satyrinae) in trunk hollows of old
diurnas de la Comunitat Valenciana (Papilionoidea & ( .DWEHK %DGHU $ 0DHV ' 0LFHYVNL 1 0LOOHU 5 chrysippus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Pistacia atlantica trees at junction of Nahal Eliav & N. Lotz in
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