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)HLQJROG   (   2010d   $  \HOORZ  EXWWHUÁ\  ZLWK  EODFN  PDUJLQV   Lepidopterists Society 21(1): 39 (in Hebrew).  6SHLGHO   :      +DVVOHU   0   1989. Die Schmetterlinsfauna                                                                                                                                                                                                                21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR | 15 - A | 21-12-30 | 11:34:49 | SR:-- | Cyan   #21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 2
 EFNZHLOHU  :    %R]DQR  *  &  2011. *XLGH WR WKH %XWWHUÁLHV   on its wings (possibly male  J.  hierta) was observed on   6KDOPRQ  %  2017. The Blue Pansy (Junonia orithya) – What   der südlichen algerischen Sahara und ihrer Hochgebirge
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 )HLQJROG  (  1999b. Territoriality of Vanessa atalanta in Sde-  Entomologist’s Gazette 56: 225-236.  6NHUWFKO\  6  %  -          %XWWHUÁ\ VZDUPV  Nature 20: 266.  seasonal records. News of the Israeli Lepidopterists Society
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 Society 22(1): 44 (in Hebrew).  EXWWHUÁ\  Hipparchia semele as a possible response to   6   0DUWLQV  '  -   6DLWRWL  -   ,UHUL  3    IIUHQFK &RQVWDQW      9LOD  5  2018 Round-trip across the Sahara: Afrotropical
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