Page 14 - SEPTEMBE 2018 Newsletter
P. 14

Financial Secretary’s Report
Your options when requesting a review of discipline
 Good day! The summer is fading, and despite all the radical groups complaining, we are still doing our jobs to the best of our abilities.
A Grievance Committee meeting was held on Aug. 16, and the committee decided to defer four cases, withdraw two and go forward with 12. We also re- viewed some past grievances and will attempt to me- diate them rather than go to full arbitration. This is done with the grievants’ knowledge and input. The grievances that we can mediate save money in the long run, and this quickens the process.
Requesting review of discipline
For those who have the unfortunate occurrence of being served with an 11- to 30-day suspension, two options are provided on the Request For Review Of Discipline form:
1. Elect to file a grievance. I will submit the appropriate griev- ance report within the time parameters delineated in my collective bargaining agreement.
2. (For FOP members only) Elect to file a grievance seeking binding summary opinion. I will submit the appropriate grievance report within the time parameters delineated in my collective bargaining agreement.
Of these two options, the second would be a much quicker pro- cess, to have it resolved in a binding summary opinion. The second option goes to full arbitration and takes longer but is absolutely necessary in some cases. Please call the union if you have any con- fusion about which option to choose.
Quality of life
I would now like to address our living conditions. Time and time
again, our days off have been canceled; time and time again, our time due has been denied. Every time we try to tell the City about a Police Officer’s stressful working conditions, they give us false promises.
This current problem of elevated crime that the City is going through is mainly the City’s fault. For years, they reduced the num- ber of officers; for years, they continued to roll out changes in pro- cedures with very little training, making it difficult and confusing for the officers. When is someone in the City going to speak up for the working officers? When is there going to be a promise of im- provement in our working conditions?
We have families that we love and cherish, with whom we need to spend time. The only reason the City would cancel days off is if it does not believe there are enough police on the street if things really go bad. We do not manufacture work; we prevent and deter crime. Crime can happen all at once or be spread out over a period of time. If you operate any type of work environment at the bare minimum workforce, something will happen that you cannot handle. And this is not just any ordinary work environment; we deal with human be- ings and their lives, each one different from the other. What works in one instance may not work in the next. As experienced officers, we are adjusting for the varying reactions to each situation.
Police Officers are doing our work every day, so why is no one speaking up for us? Why is there no one in the City or Department defending us when we are correct in our sometimes life-altering decisions? They expect us to live our lives to a higher standard, yet their treatment of us is substandard.
Stay safe. d
 Knapp Medical Center
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