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about the millions of dollars squandered on flowerpots and wasted on corruption. The Mayor is going to borrow $1 billion to build the Lucas Museum along the Lakefront.
There is no chance the Task Force or the Justice Depart- ment will address these problems, a notion that further exacerbates the hostile interaction between the commu- nity and the CPD. There is no chance Emanuel or Richard M. Daley will look in the mirror and own up to their mis- management of Chicago.
What causes the violence that already has resulted in 174 murders and 1,004 people wounded by gunfire this year? What causes a kid – black, white, brown or pink – to point a gun or shoot at a police officer? Hopelessness. These kids have no hope. There is no hope their lot in life will get better. Without access to education or a job, they resort to a life of crime to survive. There is no family struc- ture; kids are raising themselves. They don’t care if they live or die and prison is not a deterrent.
It is convenient to blame the CPD and racism. The truth is Daley, Emanuel and all the elected officials who did not do their jobs failed these citizens on all fronts. Blame Chi- cago Public Schools and Chicago Teachers Union for the strikes, because it was never really about the kids. Blame the family and relatives for not disciplining their children and turning a blind eye when these kids bring home guns. Blame the lack of a family structure for letting these kids run the streets with guns all hours of the night. These cul- prits are the last people who should judge the CPD and that fact is indisputable.
With everything going on in the city, rumors will circu- late. Take them with a grain of salt. If a rumor seems im- portant or just doesn’t sound right, call the Lodge. A rumor began, claiming that an officer was stripped after talking during a ride-along with members of the DOJ. In truth, the officer was stripped for an incident that happened three years ago, and had absolutely nothing to do with the DOJ. To compound matters, a member addressed roll calls stating the officer was stripped for talking to the DOJ and advised everyone not to speak to them. A simple call to the Lodge, or questioning of the officer, directly, would have been the prudent action to take.
We want our members to talk to the DOJ. We want them to tell the DOJ what is wrong with this Department, and what they need that they lack to fulfill their day-to-day duties. This conversation is the only way we can get these issues resolved effectively. No one is telling our members to take the DOJ home for dinner or to the bar, but no mem- ber should be afraid to talk to the Justice Department. Retiree Healthcare
Clint Krislov had filed an appeal at the Illinois Supreme Court asking to take up our appeal directly, which is what happened in the Kanerva case. This is so the Court can reach a decision or issue an injunction to roll back and preserve the benefit for the moment, at least as it was in 2013, and to prevent the funds delaying strategies from lapsing the coverage before a decision can be entered. We will keep our members posted on the website, the newsletter and email blasts when we have to attend court again.d

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