Page 16 - FOP_MAY16.indd
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Easter Seals release informative balloons
Students released balloons in Tinley Park in celebration of Autism Awareness Month.
At Easter Seals, our students at our Tinley Park location had the opportunity to hold a Balloon Launch on April 22. Students and staff released dozens of balloons in every col-
or in honor of Autism Awareness Month.
Each balloon was tagged with relevant facts and infor-
mation about autism designed to increase awareness and understanding, and provide valuable information for par- ents of children affected by autism, and all those touched by its spectrum of disorders.
Facts included statistics and research-based infor- mation to educate people about the complexities of the spectrum, and debunk myths and misconceptions about living with autism. d
Duty Ammo Recall
The Lodge has been informed that the Firearms Train- ing Unit has observed a quality control issue with several 9mm Winchester Duty rounds issued between Jan. 1 and April 19.
Since the extent of the problem cannot be identified, any officer who was issued 9mm Winchester Duty ammu- nition within those dates shall report to the nearest Area or Academy Range for replacement ammunition.
This action should be taken as soon as possible. Ammu- nition will be replaced on a round for round basis.
The Academy Range will be open from 5 a.m. to 4 p.m. April 23 to 24. It also will be open during the week from 5 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. to issue replacement ammunition.
The Area Ranges will be available during normal busi- ness hours beginning April 25 from 5 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Feel free to contact the Department’s Education and Training Division Firearms Training Unit with any ques- tions or concerns at 312-746-4728.d
Constitution and
By-Law Changes/
Every year, according to the Constitution and By-Laws of Chicago Lodge 7, active members in good standing may submit proposals for amendments to the current By-Laws. It is written in the By-Laws that, “The propos- als must be in resolution form, stating the reasons for the amendment, and shall be attested by the signatures of 11 active members in good standing.”
Proposed amendments to this Constitution must be submitted, in writing, to Recording Secretary Greg Bella by May 31. d

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