Page 61 - May 2018 FOP Magazine
P. 61
An article submitted by a Lodge 7 Magazine Sponsor
The latest on promotional tests
Dr. Jeff Bernstein of Bernstein and Associates an- swers questions about the City’s plans to conduct promotional testing.
What is the latest on the next police sergeant’s and lieutenant’s exams?
The City has not formally begun soliciting propos- als from testing companies yet. When they do, the exam is typically announced a little more than one year after they formally start the process.
Isn’t the City required to give the exam every six years?
Yes, they are. So, with part 2 of the last sergeant’s exam given in January of 2014, the next exam is expected to be given prior to January of 2020. I think that a sergeant’s exam in late 2019 is possible. I plan to have classes in the spring and summer of 2019. However, this could change if new information comes out.
With respect to the last lieutenant’s exam, part 2 was given in August 2015, so the next exam is expected to be given in 2020 or 2021. Last time, it was given after the sergeant’s exam.
What is your opinion on the different City vendors that might be picked to write the sergeant’s and lieutenant’s promotional exams?
Most of them have really good experience developing police promotional exams. I have seen their work throughout the coun- try. However, some are definitely better than others.
What is being done by the City to ensure the security of the next
sergeant’s and lieutenant’s exams?
The City’s Department of Human Resources is on it. They clearly recognize that there is a problem and are taking active measures to deal with it. From my FOIA request, I learned that the City will be looking to minimize the use of internal subject matter experts. They expect the test maker to better protect the test by using sources outside of Chicago.
You should also know that FOP President Kevin Graham and Sergeant’s Association President Paul Bilotta are addressing sev- eral promotional exam issues. Some of these issues include exam security, frequency and validity. I also emailed the City with my recommendations on how to improve security and the overall testing process.
Are there some things I can read now to do some advance study?
Yes, the GOs, SOs and ILCS are always in part 1 of the exam. However, just a very, very light read if you must. It’s really way too far in advance for intensive study and study groups. You run the risk of burning out before the real study starts. I will be putting together a projected reading list for part 1 of the sergeant’s and lieutenant’s exams later this year. Please relax and enjoy this year, as many of you may very well be studying next summer.
That’s the latest for now. I hope this information was helpful for everyone. As I get more information, I will put together an- other report. d
To submit questions, email Dr. Bernstein at info@bernsteintest- Visit our site at or call 800-272-5353.