Page 10 - June2020 FOP Magazine
P. 10

ThirdVice President’s Report
No lawyer, no statement
 First and foremost, I would like to thank ev- eryone who helped me get elected as your third vice president. For those of you who did not vote for me, I will make you believers by the time my term is over.
In my short time as co-chair of the legal de- fense committee along with Mike Mette, officers have been taking huge risks in speaking to IAD and COPA and giving statements without legal counsel. Some officers do not realize that by the
time you are called down to IAD or COPA, these two agencies have already reviewed your BWC video, in-car camera foot- age and audio. If shot spotter was involved, that will also be reviewed.
Once you have been notified that you will be giving a state- ment, you must call the Lodge and request legal represen- tation. Unfortunately, some of our officers less experienced with this process are throwing themselves under the bus un- wittingly. “No lawyer, no statement” should be the motto we live by.
As a fellow officer who has gone through the process, it can be unnerving speaking with IAD and COPA. When you
have to go to corporation counsel and “list your assets,” that’s when you realize that this is not a game and it’s for real.
Unfortunately, while new recruits are in the academy, they are being told specifically, “Don’t listen to the old timers. They don’t know what they are talking about. They are bitter and will get you in trouble.” Some coppers are bitter, but only be- cause they have been through the wringer a few times.
Officers, if you know someone who is in a sticky situation and going to give a statement, please reach out to them. Re- mind them to call for a lawyer. Tell them to call the Lodge for assistance.
We are in treacherous waters. Not only is the mainstream media looking for tomorrow’s new headline, but also our city’s politicians would love nothing better than to see a po- lice officer as a new trophy.
Lastly, whenever you are speaking to IAD or COPA, realize that everything you are saying will be documented and could be used against you. Immediately ask for your attorney, even if you are being told this is not a statement or an investiga- tion against you. Remember, today’s witness is tomorrow’s offender. No lawyer, no statement. Stay healthy and be safe.

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