Page 14 - May 2017 Newsletter
P. 14
ThirdVice President’s Report
It’s not about one...
As of today, there are more than 11,000 ac- tive and more than 6,000 retired members of Chicago Lodge #7. While there is only one person who holds the title of President of our Lodge, it’s not about one. While there is only one person in each unit that can hold the ti- tle of unit rep, it’s not about one.
We, the Chicago Lodge, are the largest subordinate Lodge in the nation, and that is something to be proud of. We, a 17,000-member frater- nal organization, need to hold more weight as a voting
block, both in local and national elections.
We can make the changes. We can support the laws. We can be the difference, but it can’t be done without
your support and effort, because it’s not about one.
We may have a new voice that speaks from our hall, but our President doesn’t speak on matters that only affect him. He speaks on matters that affect us all, be- cause it’s not about one. In order for the masses to hear our message, we the Lodge need the suggestions, both
positive and negative, of every officer, active and retired. This may seem like a daunting task, but it can be accom- plished. In this day of electronic communication, a sim- ple email to the board is only one way to communicate. Expressing your opinion during roll call visits, attend- ing the monthly meetings and getting involved in your union are other ways.
We work for you, not the other way around. As we move forward as a union, we are recommitted to the protection of our members, but we can’t do it alone. The union is only as strong as its weakest link. Together, we can be the strongest union in the City, but this takes unity.
Many times I have heard officers say how strong the Chicago Teacher’s Union is, that they are a real union. Why is that? Why do we perceive that the teacher’s union is stronger than the Fraternal Order of Police — because they can strike? While a teacher’s job is neverending, so is the job of the Police Officer. We are held at higher stan- dards than any other City worker for a reason: because our actions today become the headlines tomorrow. We can change the way the public sees us, but only if we, as a whole, work together to strengthen the union and take our rightful spot as the strongest union in the city. Because it’s not about one.
Our members may be spread throughout the City, state and country, but we still have a voice, and that voice must be heard. As we approach contract negoti- ations, we must band together and ensure that the City knows who they are dealing with: the strongest union in the City. No longer will we be a pushover or allow the smaller unions to hold that title. We are Chicago Police Officers, and together we need to demand the best at the table, not the leftovers.
The elections are over, and now it is time to start anew. We have three years to be held accountable for our actions to you, the membership. Accountability shouldn’t wait until election year; accountability began when we, the new board, were sworn in, because it’s not about one.
I would like to thank the membership for affording me this opportunity to serve as your Third Vice-President, and I look forward to working for you. I can be reached by phone at 312-733-7776 or by email at jryan@chicago-
Stay safe and watch each other’s backs, because it’s not about one. d