Page 54 - FOP Magazine March 2019
P. 54

A contribution from a Chicago Lodge 7 Magazine sponsor
 Preparing for the Fitness Test
Part one: the bench press
Every year, Chicago Police have the option of taking the fitness test to keep up their physical
when your intention is to move the shoulder blades, and more in your pulldowns and rows. You can increase the weights as
you start to use them more.
Next are the trunk muscles, which surround your low-
er back and wrap around the front part of your waist. They function in positioning the torso to receive and push the loaded bar away. In your workouts, include
f f
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ss. One of these tests is the bench press. s
    The goal is to be able to press a certain per- centage of your body weight one time. This exercise is often used often in workouts. Focusing on the shoulder blade, trunk
and hip muscles can enhance your per- formance, as these components play an im- portant role in the bench press. This article will focus on how to best prepare.
Personal Fitness
     The shoulder complex is comprised of the upper arm (hu- merus) and the shoulder blade (scapula), which orients the upper arm through motion and helps distribute forces to other muscles, creating more muscular integrity. It has a wide range of motion but minimal structural integrity, which can correlate to shoulder injuries. The shoulder blade muscles play an im- portant role in the bench press, as they move with the arm or maintain its position on the back to receive load or distribute muscular force. They are like the roots of a tree. Exercises such as shrugs, rows or pulldowns can strengthen these back mus- cles if the technique is right. I suggest using a lighter weight
exercises that focus on the lower back and upper-mid back, such as spinal motions like extension and rotation. Since your lower back is in a slight arch within the bench press, it’s important to strengthen those muscles to be in that position. Another part of the body directly below the back is the gluteus maximus. The glute muscles aid the lower back in tak- ing some of the load. Working on these muscles will reduce the risk of straining your back any time you do a flat bench barbell
or dumbbell press.
Start preparing for your fitness test today, and apply these
tips to help better prepare for the bench press. You will notice improvements in your overall strength, but proper technique and focus are essential to workouts. I encourage you to reach out and contact me if you have any questions or are in need of a training program that will effectively help you reach your goals. Thank you!

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