Page 68 - The Decorative Painter Fall 2016
P. 68

 Painter’s Checklist
Plate, Convex Rim, Double Bead, 12" dia. (30.48 cm)
Gold Oxide
Napthol Crimson Nimbus Grey Orange
Paynes Grey Pine Green Sapphire Titanium White Warm White Yellow Light Yellow Oxide
Series 7500 no. 4 & 8 filbert
Series 7000 no. 3 round
Series 7400 1⁄4" or 3⁄8" angular shader (optional)
Assorted small mops or old filberts for softening colors
Series 1360 no. 1 short liner
Series 1390 3⁄4" oval glaze
Basic painting supplies (page 96) Jo Sonja’s All Purpose Sealer
Jo Sonja’s Retarder Medium
Jo Sonja’s Satin Varnish
Jo Sonja’s Clear Glaze Medium No. 2 pencil
Plate, Convex Rim, Double Bead, 12" dia., (18-1715) is availabe at viking
 66 The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 3, 2016
When thinking about this plate I wanted to do some- thing fun and whimsical, but also create a flashback to my childhood when ribbon candy and wrapped
hard candies were the featured items in my Christmas stock- ing. I remember peppermints collecting fuzz in the toe of my stocking but they were oh so yummy. I thought fairies would add to the magic that is Christmas, and who doesn’t enjoy a cup of peppermint tea on a cold winter’s night?
With a large flat or the 3⁄4" oval glaze brush, seal plate with Titanium White+Jo Sonja’s All Purpose Sealer (1:1). When dry, use the 3⁄4" oval glaze brush and recoat with Warm White using a slip-slap motion into the center and rim areas of the plate, adding Jo Sonja’s Retarder Medium to the brush to keep paint moist. Wipe brush. Avoiding the bands that will be pep- permint candy canes, use Pine Green to slip-slap some color into the rim of the plate and the center. Wipe brush and add some Sapphire, slip-slapping again into these areas. Repeat with Amethyst and Yellow Oxide, wiping the brush between colors and adding Jo Sonja’s Retarder Medium when needed. Dry well and apply pattern omitting details.
Hint: When slip-slapping the different colors, hold the brush further back on the handle to keep the application of color very light and subtle. You can recoat over any areas that become too bold with the Warm White using the slip-slap ac- tion. You can also use a mop brush or soft filberts to soften colors between applications.

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