Page 96 - The Decorative Painter Spring 2015
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   Pre-order Your
IMSDP 12-Month Wall Calendar
Thanks to the great response we received to our first wall calendar created from the gorgeous artwork hanging in the International Museum of the Society of Decorative Painters (IMSDP), we’ve decided to do it again! The Society of Decorative Painters Foundation is proud to present the museum’s twelve-month wall calendar, which runs from January 2016 through December 2016. The museum houses over 250 iconic pieces of decorative art. The calendar features vivid images, with informational text of twelve artworks in the collection from artists:
Kay Baranowski mda • Ana Maria Bernabe daca • Barbara Jenkins mda Joan Johnson mda • Hidemi Katsukara mda • Izumi Kawamoto mda Ellen Landwehr cda • Jo Avis Moore mda • Lois Mueller vgm
Laura Petriella daca • Jen Sykes • Prudy Vannier cda
Society of Decorative Painters
You may pre-order your copy of the beautiful IMSDP 12-Month Wall Calendar for only $12.50 plus shipping and handling now by visiting the SDP Boutique at Limited quantities on sale at the Painters Boutique during Conference.
of the
Limited Supply! Pre-order Yours Today!
$ 50
   2016 IMSDP 12-Month Wall Calendar
Pre-Order • $12.50 each + S&H Check or Money order in U.S. Funds only. (Please print)
Name _____________________________________________________Member No. __________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________________________________ City _______________________ State/Prov. ________________ Zip/Postal Code __________ Country ______________ Telephone ______________________________________ Email__________________________________________ ❏ VISA ❏ MasterCard ❏ Check ❏ Money Order
Card # ____________________________________________________________ Exp. Date ___________________ Signature ___________________________________________________________
_______ # of Copies x $12.50 each/plus S&H Total: ________________
 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: IMSDP For MasterCard or VISA payment call (316) 269-9300 OR fax order form to (316) 269-9191. SEND ORDER TO: SDP, Attn: IMSDP Calendar,
393 N. McLean Blvd., Wichita, KS 67203-5968; ORDER ONLINE:; call (316) 269-9300, OR email
IMPORTANT: If paying with check or cash, please call (316) 269-9300 for shipping costs. All international shipments are subject to custom charges; it is the responsibility of the member to pay such charges.
     94 The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 1, 2015 DECORATIVEPAINTERS.ORG

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