Page 9 - The Decorative Painter Summer 2015
P. 9
Society Update
“When my artwork is published in The Decorative Painter, it is exposed to a large audience that has a keen interest in what I, and other artists like me, do.
The staff is easy to work with and have always handled my artwork with care.”
— Erika Joanne
We’re always looking for inspiring projects to share with and challenge our read-
ers. Artwork that appears in The Decorative Painter is admired by over 11,000 members from all over the world! It is a huge opportunity and honor for artists of all skill levels to be featured. Consider submitting a seasonal or holiday themed project for the autumn issue. How? Review the submission and publication guidelines below.
Any current member of the Society can submit pieces to be considered for publica- tion. We are looking for original, unpublished artwork in acrylics, oils, heatset oils, alkyds, watercolors, fabric paints, colored pencils, faux finishes, pastels and more on sur- faces such as wood, tin, porcelain, glass, paper, canvas, fabric or anything else paintable!
To submit, send photographs of your design with a brief summary of the process you used to create it. Your summary should include information about the surface and medium used, the skill level required and the dimensions of the finished product. Take multiple photographs to show each angle of
your finished work. Do not send original artwork,
including line drawings or painted step-by-step
worksheets, unless instructed to do so by a member
of the editorial staff. Send your submission to Sheryl
Born by email to sheryl@decorativepainters.
org or by postal mail to: Society of Decorative
Painters, ATTN: Sheryl Born, 393 N. McLean Blvd.,
Wichita, KS 67203
TIP: Take notes as you create your artwork. If your project is accepted, we will ask you to provide project instructions to publish with your design.
We will notify you of our decision to publish your artwork by email or by postal mail at our earliest opportunity, generally within four months. We receive a high volume of submissions for each issue. Don’t be discouraged if your project isn’t cho- sen. Many artists who appear regularly in the magazine were accepted only after several submission attempts.
TIP: If you haven’t heard back from us after four months, we welcome a follow-up phone call or email!
If we accept your submission, first and foremost, congratulations! Next, you will receive a contract by postal mail assigning the first-time publication rights to The Decorative Painter. In addition to the contract, we will indicate important deadlines for you to help us guarantee timely publication. A member of the Society’s staff will always be available to guide you through the process and prepare your artwork to receive the recognition that it deserves.
Artists whose projects are accepted will be
paid $200.00 after their project has been pub-
lished. You will have the option to donate the
$200.00 to the Society in an effort to help contin-
ue the publication of the magazine. In addition,
you will be able to enjoy attaining the status of
an internationally published artist and having your artwork illustrated in the decorative painting industry’s most acclaimed and best regarded magazine.
TIP: Review the complete submission guidelines online at to gain a better understanding of the publication process.
Read these additional tips to get ideas for which type of project to submit!
❖ Create art on an unusual or interesting surface.
❖ Incorporate timely products, trends and styles into your design. ❖ Check out projects that were published in recent magazine issues.
DECORATIVEPAINTERS.ORG The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 2, 2015 7