Page 71 - The Decorative Painter Fall 2014
P. 71

Apply a wash of Spiced Pumpkin using the no. 10 shader or the 1⁄2" wash. Next, float on Burnt Sienna shading. Apply the color more heavily at the top and bottom. Finish the pumpkin by highlighting the foremost areas.
GREEn AREA: Apply a wash of Jade Green. Using the no. 8 flat, shade with Light Avocado. A touch of Plantation Pine can be added, if a darker shade is desired.
YELLOW AREA: Apply a wash of Golden Straw. Shade with Cocoa. STRIPES: Apply a wash of Bleached Sand. Shade with a touch of Mis- sissippi Mud.
LEAF: Apply a wash of Mississippi Mud beginning where the leaf meets the pumpkin. The wash fades as it extends toward the right edge of the leaf. Float random tints of Spiced Pumpkin, Golden Straw, and Burnt Sienna on the tips of the leaves.
These instructions apply to the acorns on both the main design and the border.
With the no. 6 shader, apply a wash of Cocoa to the bodies of the acorns. Shade with Raw Sienna.
Apply a wash of Mississippi Mud to the acorn caps, and shade with a hint of Charcoal Grey.
Use the no. 1 liner with water-thinned Mississippi Mud to fill the branches, adding a little more shadow where one branch tucks behind another. To create interest, vary the value of the Mississippi Mud.
To create shadows that lie under the design elements, float Char- coal Grey using the no. 10 shader or the 1⁄2" wash.
With a small square of the sponge that was cut at the beginning of this project, apply a thin line of Burnt Sienna along the top and thickest edge of the plate. When the entire plate is dry, apply three coats of varnish to the en- tire plate, including the front, back, and edges, following the manufacturer’s instructions. Allow each layer to dry before applying the next.
The Decorative Painter
• ISSUE NO. 3, 2014 69

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