Page 51 - TheDecorativePainter_DP4_Winter_2018
P. 51
Step 1: Place pattern over graphite on your surface and trace outline using red pen.
Next sketch an “incomplete” outline using permanent magic marker. On the outside of black outline use fabric
resist to maintain clean edge around head, chest and negative spaces in face, legs and neck.
When applying this product use A SOLID OUTLINE to prevent leakage of paints outside of design. Allow to dry. This resist will be washed out after colors have been heat-set.
Begin under-toning shadow areas using Lamp Black and Dioxazine Purple (may substitute Navy Blue if you don’t like purple). Keep these shadows in “triangles of darkness” shapes. Use water in your brush on shadow border to keep from getting hard edges and allowing colors to bleed out. You may need to reinstate shadow areas as they tend to lighten up as they dry. Remember darkest shadow (color) in the tip of triangle. See sample Step 1.
Step 2: Decide now regarding color tones and combinations (if you want a palomino or an Indian paint horse or an Idaho bronco).
Let your shirt color be the highlight areas on left side of face, neck and leg. Bring brown tones over shadow areas and use water to marry the light to the dark. Again this is your preference; Chocolate Brown or reddish Burnt Sienna. You can see I used the blue string of colors to add and vary some of the “triangles of darkness.”
Spray the foreground with water and allow it to rest for a few minutes. Brush-mix with water your green string of colors around his feet and pull color both up and down creating watercolored ground cover. Spatter if you like
the look.