Page 91 - The Decorative Painter Summer 2014
P. 91

Paint the Titanium White areas first, and then apply Red-Violet Mix in the dark areas of the front three petals and blend. Use Dioxazine Purple in the dark areas of the back two petals. Use Titanium White on the light areas and fill the remaining areas with Red-Violet Mix. Tint all petals with Blue-Violet Mix. Use both Blue-Violet Mix and Red- Violet Mix for the lines.
Paint the three front petals with Blue-Black Shade Mix, Titanium White, and Dioxazine Purple, blending the darks together. Pull in Titanium White following the direction of the arrows on the Shading and Direction Map. Use Tita- nium White, Dioxazine Purple, and Red-Violet Mix on the two back petals and blend. Tint with Red-Violet Mix and line with Blue-Black Shade Mix.
Apply Red-Violet Mix then Titanium White as shown on the Shading and Direction Map and blend. Tint with Blue-Violet Mix and line with Red-Violet Mix and Blue- Violet Mix.
Paint with Titanium White and Blue-Violet Mix and blend.
Tap a center onto each pansy with Cadmium Yellow Light using the corner of a no. 2 shader. Shade with a touch of Quinacridone Vio- let at the top.
Use the same brushes you used for the pansies: Use the no. 6 short shader (originally used for Tita- nium White) for the Warm White Highlight Mix and Light Green Mix; the no. 2 short shader for the Dark Green Mix; and the no. 4 short shader (originally used for the Blue-Violet Mix) for the Me- dium Green Mix.
Use Warm White Highlight Mix for the lightest areas of the leaves surrounding the center of interest of Pansy 1. Use Light Green Mix for the others. Apply the paint as shown on the Shading and Direction Map and blend. Add Dioxazine Purple tints as shown on the map. Stroke in the veins using Light Green Mix.
If you applied the paint very thinly as recommended, you can add more Titanium White to brighten some pet- als. Load the tips of a clean, dry no. 6 short shader by stroking it into the edge of your paint puddle and working into the bristles. Gently stroke over the edges of the pet- als that need brightening and then soften with the no. 4 oval blender. You may also want to deepen your shading by picking up a little Blue-Black Shade Mix (or any of the purples) on the corner of your no. 4 short shader, tucking it into the deepest corners. Do not pull the brush.
Let your painting dry, and then apply several light coats of DecoArt DuraClear Matte Varnish.
The Decorative Painter
• ISSUE NO. 1, 2014 89

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