Page 76 - The Decorative Painter Fall 2017
P. 76
Refer to the Step-by-Steps on page 71.
Following the same shaping progression as with the Butter- milk, float in Flesh Tone to establish facial areas, being sure to blend away into each area softly. Float in features keeping the strongest value along the defining lines of features, with forward middle areas staying fairly sheer. Add shading on hood with An- tique Maroon or Napa Red if you prefer it a little brighter.
Shade the eye cavity with Medium Flesh beginning softly up beneath the center of the brow moving down along the bridge of his nose, ending softly by the middle area beneath the eyes. Add a touch above the cheekbone. Use Medium Flesh to shape the left side nostril, then the right nostril, then continue above the
Untitled PMleftnostrilopening,thenthemiddlebulbousendofhisnosetip and then the right side nostril. Float color beginning softly above each side nostril along the cheek side of each smile line, then along the bottom of the cheeks blending up around the cheek ending toward the corner of the eye. Blend color across the top of his forehead blending down toward the brows horizontally
side to side.
Drop a Midnite Green pupil into the center of each eye with
a liner brush.
Check the shapes on the candy pillows, adding a touch of
white to bring advancing areas forward. A faint touch of Midnite Green can be added to shade where one candy tucks beneath another. Don’t add red details or highlights for candy until the entire beard is finished, as you will likely be running into it and it will need repairs.
Refer to the Step-by-Steps on page 71.
Shade the hood with Antique Maroon.
Using a fine liner, add a fine line of Victorian Blue along the
outer edge of the iris. Keep the top and bottom of the eye hidden behind the upper and lower lash lines.
If you don’t have French Mocha, shade the face with Shading Flesh. I like flesh shading a bit more grayed down. I blend a bit of no. 49 Dark Pine to my whole bottle to gradually grey the color. Go slow and shake a lot; check results against your own skin’s darkest value. Shade the nose, cheeks, eye cavity, and just a bit on the forehead.
Use a fine liner and Dove Grey (or Snow (Titanium) White) tipping the brush into Charcoal Grey. Keeping the darker value to the bottom of the brow line, draw in the eyebrow hairs, slight- ly angling the strokes outward toward either side.
At this point Santa’s a little starry-eyed. Drop the eye back by floating a small bit of Midnite Green along under the upper lash line. Highlight at upper right with a dot of Snow (Tita- nium) White.
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74 The Decorative Painter
• FALL 2017