Page 78 - The Decorative Painter Spring 2016
P. 78

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     Painter’s Checklist
5" x 7" (12.7 x 17.78 cm) Ampersand Gessobord
Cadmium Lemon
Prussian Blue
Titanium White
White Wash
Series 145 nos. 0 - 12 red sable shaders flat LOEW CORNELL
Series 7520 1⁄8" & 1⁄4" filbert rake
Series 7350 nos. 2/0 & 6/0 short liner Series 270 3⁄4" Maxine’s mop (a soft mop) ROBERT SIMMONS EXPRESSIONS
Series RSE55 3⁄4" flat wash/glaze
Basic painting supplies (page 96)
3" sponge roller and roller handle
6" x 8" high-gloss smooth surface white tile 12" x 16" waxed palette or glass palette
18 karat gold leafing pen
400-grit black sandpaper
Household dust
JoSonja Brush Soap and Conditioner
Krylon Clear Varnish Spray (#1311) Masterson palette saver – large size
Plastic wrap
Reducing glass
Scott shop towels
All purpose non-permanent adhesive papertak
stretchable putty - white
Winsor & Newton Blending & Glazing Medium
■ Ampersand Gessobord, brushes, paints, medi- ums, miscellaneous and surface are available from Shirley Nan Ruchong, CDA; 2440 Frank Street, Eureka, CA 95501; 707-445-1512; or email her at SHIRLEY@SHIRLEYNANRUCHONG.COM.
■ Quali Tech Roller foam - Ultra Smooth High Density Foam can be found at Home Depot.
■ Mr. Stickey is referred to Simply Tacky and can be purchased at Hobby Lobby.
he calla lily is a favorite flower of mine and I have painted many of them. This is a new Calli color in my garden and I love how it is so vibrant yellow inside and brilliant green out- side! The veins winding around the green make it even more
 76 The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 1, 2016
interesting. This is offered as a beginning oil project and I hope that you enjoy the journey!
STEP 1: Gessobord is a tempered (sealed on both sides) masonite and has a layer of acrylic applied. Since I prefer to know what is on my surface and to also paint on a finer textured surface I will sand the sur- face with fine-grit sandpaper that will smooth out any inconsistencies. STEP 2: Pour the White Wash onto the glass palette, fill the wash glaze brush with paint and quickly brush over the surface – you want a nice coat but not heavy.
STEP 3: With the roller quickly start rolling over the surface one direction then the other until the surface has a very fine texture and appears almost dry. If the paint seems to bubble up you have applied too much paint. Wipe off the roller and just keep rolling until the sur- face has the right texture.
STEP 4: Dry well with a hair dryer. If you check the surface with the back of your fingers and it feels clammy then it is not dry enough. Con- tinue drying until the surface feels dry to the touch. Lightly sand again. STEP 5: Thin paint slightly and repeat the above process. Dry well with hair dryer.
STEP 6: Transfer design onto surface using white graphite. If the trac- ing is not easily seen then use household dust to bring it out. (I like to call this “graphite enhancer!”) Rub hand over a dusty surface (hope- fully you can find one) then rub over design. The tracing will appear!

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