Page 93 - The Decorative Painter Spring 2016
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  Support your SDP Business Members!
       Celebrate the holidays with Oil Painting Expressions from now until July 1, 2016 – bringing the art class to you with 12 beautiful artworks from 11 renowned artists for just $99. OILPAINTINGEXPRESSIONS.COM.
Sign up now for Summer Camp in Greenville, Indiana, May 14 - 18, 2016 with guest teacher Marion Jackson; and Digital Design with Jeanne Downing, May 21 - 23 and 25 - 27, 2016. Then, mark your calendar to attend the Painting Palooza in Oklahoma City, OK, September 26 - October 2, 2016. Cheri will be teaching.
Add to your Santa collection with this unique Santa from Pumpkin Ridge Designs. We have additional new Pumpkin Ridge packets available. Watch the website for other new packets by various artists. 1-888-982-9663, SMOOTHCUTWOODPRODUCTS.COM
   Blue Snowman Gourd, 22" tall, great pattern. The finished gourd is also available.
Art Creations Plus 619-440-3320, DONJOCARPENTER@ SBCGLOBAL.NET
The Heart of Ohio Tole Convention will be held August 8 - 13, 2016, at the Arena Hyatt Regency Columbus Hotel in Columbus, Ohio. “If You Give a Mouse a Paintbrush ...” catalog available March 2016 at HEARTOFOHIOTOLE.ORG
Heart of Ohio Tole Chapter, Inc. 614-863-1785 HOOT626@WOWWAY.COM
The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 1, 2016 91

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