Page 20 - The Decorative Painter - Fall 2019
P. 20

certification showcase
 by Marian Jackson mda
Wow, what a convention! The best ever in my opinion. It’s always exciting but this year I got to call out names of those passing Certification. An emotional time for all, especially me.
Members have contacted me and SDP about the future of the Certification Program. Let me assure you that it is going to continue on. There may be some minor changes behind the scenes but the process of buying portfolios and kits will be the same. Entering a board will be the same. The judging process will be the same. It’s not going away so we encourage you to keep entering.
As an exciting addition to the Certification Program,
this year we will hold an SDP-sponsored seminar teaching the skills necessary to enter using designs from previous years in the category chosen by the student. The seminar is November 8-11, 2019, in Wichita, Kan. SDP has also made arrangements for special rates at the Hotel at Old Town. There are a few spaces left in this seminar, so if you’ve been thinking about entering, jump at this wonderful opportunity. Contact the office for details or to register.
Our Silent Auction was a huge success and many heartfelt thanks to all those who donated. We had 25 items
ADP Stroke
Susan Schoeppner adp Escondido, California
resulting in sales totaling $3,390. This money goes to support the program.
I’d like to thank my Certification Committee for their help throughout the year as well as during Conference in the Certification Booth and Display room, the ADP/CDA/ MDA reception and the Silent Auction: Kay Baranowski mda; Jean Archer mda; Barbara Hammett cda; Pat Hull adp; Pat Marler, Board Liaison; and especially Miho Halsey, Staff Liaison, for taking such good care of us.
A very special thank you to Lisa Price mda, the Coordinator, who keeps all the paperwork – and us – organized. I could not have done without her on this, my first year.
Our judges were Kay Baranowski mda, Sue Pruett mda, Jean Archer mda, Cheri Rol mda, Sharon Hamilton mda, Michelle Kerr mda and Helen Statder mda. Thank you!
We had entries from seven countries this year: USA, Japan, Korea, Italy, Poland, China and Taiwan.
Congratulations to all those who passed this year. Your hard work paid off.
CDA Stroke
Elisabetta De Maria cda Racale, Italy
     18 TheDecorativePainter • FALL 2019
Marlene Fudge cda Hellertown, Pennsylvania

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