Page 48 - The Decorative Painter Winter 2014
P. 48
Painter’s Checklist
233⁄4" x 101⁄2" (60.3 x 26.7cm) ceiling fan blade
Bright Yellow
Burnt Umber
lamp Black
Purple Pizzazz
Snow White (optional) Ultramarine Blue Whispering Turquoise
Small scruffy brush
ROYAl & lANgNICkEl BRUSH MFg. CO. Series R825 nos. 2 & 8 classic bristle fans AQUAlON
Series 2160 1⁄2" & 3⁄4" angular shaders Series 2250 nos. 5 & 6 rounds
Series 2595 no. 10/0 liner
Series 2700 3⁄4" or 1" glaze/wash
Basic painting supplies (page 128) gesso (white)
No. 2 pencil
Painter’s tape
Plastic card (credit card or old hotel key card)
Ruler Varnish Wood filler
Fan blades are available from hardware and home stores. This blade is by Harbor Breeze (item no. 203388), distributed by Westinghouse lighting.
46 The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 4, 2014
Ihave always loved waterfalls. Unfortunately there are no natural waterfalls where I live (Jacksonville, Fla.). When I was a child, my father built a home on the very
top of Black Mountain, N.C. From the porch we could see for miles. I spent a great deal of time exploring the local waterfalls. Every time I discovered a new one, it filled me with joy. This one is very similar to one of those, except for the birch trees—there aren’t any of those in Florida, either. I hope you enjoy painting this as much as I enjoyed design- ing and painting it.
Read all instructions before beginning. Lay the fan blade upside down on a table. Tape over the holes at the end of the blade. Turn the blade over and fill in the holes with wood filler. Level off with a plastic card and scrap away the excess. Allow to dry. If the wood filler shrinks while drying, add more wood filler, level off, and allow to dry. Sand if needed.
Apply Gesso to the entire surface. If you are using an al- ternative surface, basecoat it with Snow White. Transfer the design to the surface.