Page 97 - The Decorative Painter Fall 2015
P. 97

in memory
 Betty E. Colburn, SDP member since 1988, passed away in May 2015. She resided in Minden, Nev.
Vi Thurmond mda, tda, an SDP member since 1974 and one of our founding members, passed away in January 2015. She was a member of Iowa Decorative Painters, formally Iowa Tall Corn Tolers, which she was president and helped get started in Iowa, and resided in Des Moines, Iowa.
Jodie Bushman, an SDP member since 1977, passed away in June 2015. She was a member of the Raindrop Chapter in Portland, Ore. and was a founding member and president of the Rainbow Chapter in 1989. She resided in Welches, Ore. She was a beautiful painter who also had many decorative border design books.
Individual member: name, month and year of death, city of residence, and affiliated chapter(s) if applicable. Business member: name, month and year of death, city of residence, affiliated chapter(s) if applicable, and business.
All members and chapters want SDP friends who have passed on to be acknowledged with an extended obituary. Unfortunately, due to space restrictions, only a limited number of extended obituaries can be pub- lished.
A complimentary extended or feature obituary is published only if the deceased is a very well-known, longtime member of the Society. This includes past presidents, former board members, popular instruc- tors, well-known vendors, and those who have been a member for twenty-five years or more.
Limited to a maximum of 250 words, the extended obituary is written by a friend, colleague, fellow chap- ter member, or other close associate of the deceased. A photo is included.
Katrina Petersen, SDP member since 1982 and a member of Portland Raindrop Chapter, passed away in June 2015. She resided in Portland, Ore. She was a wonderful painting teacher for many years.
Mariclare Lynch Burgess, SDP member since 2006
and a member of the Cherokee Trail Decorative Painters, passed away in March 2015. She resided in Hayesville, N.C.
Joann V. Ritchie, SDP member since 1998 and a member of the Idaho Chapter of Heritage Artist, passed away in May 2015. She resided in Spokane Valley, Wash.
The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 3, 2015 95
In Memory
Sometimes the deceased does not fall into the com- plimentary extended obituary category, but friends or loved ones wish to have an extended obituary listed in the magazine. The Decorative Painter offers an alterna- tive obituary space that chapters, family, and SDP mem- bers can purchase for $75 in order to honor an SDP friend. It includes a photo and up to one hundred words of text written by the individual or group who purchases the space. The purchased obituary will be printed on the “In Memory” page of the magazine. A statement at the bottom indicates who purchased the space (e.g., “Me- morial provided by the Wildflowers of Texoma chapter of SDP”).
Note: As with all text appearing in The Decorative Painter magazine, obituary text submitted for publica- tion is subject to editing.
In the event an SDP chapter member passes away, notify Sony Sacks, membership coordinator, at (316) 269-9300 ext. 105, or email her at sony@decorative-

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