Page 22 - The Decorative Painter Summer 2017
P. 22

S M A L L V I L L A S : The dark sides of the villas are filled in with Soft Black+Opaque White (3⁄4 : 1⁄4) to cre- ate gray. The light walls are filled in with Opaque White. Roofs are filled in with Vermilion and Naphthol Red in a wet-on-wet method. Add shadows with Antique Ma- roon. Fill in the windows and doors with the gray mix. Use the 3⁄8" landscape brush to stipple in the trees and bushes. This is done with Evergreen and Olive Green. Shade at the bottom of the shrubs with Soft Black. Dry- brush some shadows in with Burnt Umber. Add backlights in the shadow areas using Country Blue.
HILLS AND FLAT GREEN AREAS: Thethreehillsinthe background need to recede. This is done with a 90% water and 10% paint mix of Opaque White. Wash over the villas and the hills with this mixture. Let dry. Use your palette knife to spread some of the DecoArt Media Modeling Paste here and there on the highlight side of the hills. Let dry. Tint the hills with tiny bits of Naphthol Red, Indian Yellow and Bahama Blue. You may need to add a second highlight with a dry-brush of Opaque White. Tint the flat areas with Indian Yellow. Another good green mix for highlights is Olive Green+Cadmium Yellow+Opaque White (1:tch:tch).
CYPRESS TREES: Use the landscape brush and face the bristles upside down to paint in the cypress trees. Begin
with Evergreen and highlight with Olive Green. Shade a lit- tle on the dark sides with a wash of Black Green. Highlight with a tint on the light sides with Indian Yellow. When dry, add backlights of Country Blue.
OTHER TREES: The other trees have Burnt Umber trunks. You can use the landscape brush or the no. 4 long petal to paint in the greens. This is done with Evergreen, Avocado and Wasabi Green. The lightest edges of the foli- age is Forest Green+Opaque White (1:tch). Let dry and add shadows of Burnt Umber and highlights of Opaque White. Tint with Indian Yellow and Burnt Sienna. Backlight the dark areas with Country Blue. Some of the trees in the forefront have tints of Naphthol Red.
GOLDEN TREE: The golden tree is dabbed in with Antique Gold, Indian Yellow and Cadmium Yellow. Add Opaque White to the Cadmium Yellow for the lightest areas. Add shadows of Burnt Umber and Burnt Sienna. Tint with Naphthol Red and Vermilion.
GOLDEN GROUND AREAS: Use a palette knife with the DecoArt Media Modeling Paste and add a little Cadmi- um Yellow to it. Pull your knife horizontally through these areas adding more texture. Do not cover the background paint. Let dry, and add shadows of Indian Yellow, Burnt Sienna and Antique Maroon. Tint with Naphthol Red and Vermilion. Backlight the dark areas with Country Blue. VILLAS IN THE FOREFRONT: These villas should have more detail. Add highlights of Cadmium Yellow to the
20 The Decorative Painter • SUMMER 2017

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