Page 57 - The Decorative Painter Summer 2017
P. 57

RED POSY 1: Paint the outside tips of the petals with Pyrrole Red. Moving inward, wash in a little Cadmium Red Hue leaving some room to finish with a little Hansa Yellow Medium. Next, petal edges and center are Sap Green then fill in with Hansa Yellow Medium. The stem is three colors of green: to the left side is Sap Green, center is Viridian Green Hue, right side is Green Gold. Finish by lining on the right side with Cadmium Red Hue. The leaves are a light wash of Viridian Green Hue in the center with Hansa Yellow Medium on the outsides. The veins are Cadmium Red Hue. Let this dry.
PURPLE POSY 2: Paint the outside tips of the petals with Dioxazine Purple, streaking color lightly to the cen- ter. Wash in a little Cobalt Blue Hue then a wash of Tita- nium White to blend. The center is Hansa Yellow Medium with large dots of Titanium White. The stem and the rims of the posy are Sap Green highlighted with Hansa Yellow Medium and a little Dioxazine Purple. Let dry.
PINK POSY 3: Paint the outside tips of the petals with Titanium White. The inside of the petals are Primary Ma- genta with lightly washed streaks pulled into the white to make pink. Wash the center petals with Hansa Yellow Medium+Primary Cyan. The center heart is Titanium White. The petal rims are Hansa Yellow Medium and Green Gold. Dots on the petals are Green Gold. The stem is Sap Green. Shade the left side with Primary Magenta, the right side with Green Gold, then line stripes with Primary Magenta. The leaf is Green Gold. Wash the center around the hearts with Primary Cyan. The heart tips are Primary Magenta and tops of the hearts are Titanium White mixed a little to make pink. Let dry.
ORANGE POSY 4: Lightly wash the petals Cadmium Orange Hue. Darken the petals from the center outward with Pyrrole Orange. The center and a layer of the petal rims are Hansa Yellow Medium. The other outer rims are Yellow Oxide. The dip dots are Blue Green Light. The stem and leaves are Blue Green Light, highlighted with Pyrrole Orange. Let dry.
POTS: Glue each pot and their trims down with DecoArt Decou-Page Matte using the old brush. Shade the red pot with Pyrrole Red and highlight with Hansa Yellow Me- dium. Shade the purple pot with Dioxazine Purple and highlight with dots of Hansa Yellow Medium. Shade the pink pot with Primary Magenta. Shade the orange pot with Pyrrole Orange and make highlight dots with Hansa Yellow Medium.
WORD STAMPS: From all the stamp groups use the in- spiring words of your choice. Stamp the top of the stack and the rest of the blocks in random spaces. Let all of the ink dry very well.
PEN WORK: Use the Sakura Black Identi-pen to add detail. Pen over the stamped lines. Use the pictures and patterns as a guide. When you add more lines to the petals, fill them in with the corresponding palette of color. Let this dry.
Give the whole project a coat of DecoArt Sealer/ Finisher Spray Matte and let dry well. Glue the dowel into the bottom block hole and stack the blocks lined up. Glue the cap and feet on. When everything is in place and dried very well, apply the DecoArt Black Shimmer Metallic Luster to the cap and feet. Make sure everything is sealed.
The Decorative Painter
• SUMMER 2017 55

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