Page 77 - The Decorative Painter Summer 2017
P. 77

Light: Alizarin Crimson+Cadmium Orange+(Cadmium Yellow Light+Titanium White
Dry and detail, using a small amount of paint.
Shade: Alizarin Crimson+Ivory Black+(Ultramarine Blue) Highlight: Cadmium Yellow Light+Titanium White– Titanium White
Tint: Ivory Black+Titanium White
Note: If you need more contrast, use (Alizarin Crim- son) +/or (Alizarin Crimson+Cadmium Orange) as an accent between light and dark areas.
There are three steps in painting the leaves:
1) Basecoat;
2) Dry and detail, shade;
3) Highlight, tint and accent, vein.
Basecoat the leaves a variety of values and tempera-
tures, showing position of the leaf in the design.
Use a basecoat of Cadmium Yellow Light+(Yellow Ochre Pale)+Ivory Black+(Titanium White). Use more yellow in warmer leaves and more white in the cooler
leaves as you are basecoating.
Warmer Leaves: are in front. Use Cadmium Yellow Light+ Yellow Ochre Pale+Ivory Black+Ultramarine Blue – Titanium White. Dry and detail.
Shade: Mix (Cadmium Yellow Light) (Yellow Ochre Pale)+ Ivory Black+(Ultramarine Blue)+(Alizarin Crimson). The Parenthesis ( ) means that color is a choice in differ- ent leaves.
Highlight: Mix+(Cadmium Yellow Light+Ivory Black + Titanium White–Titanium White. Mix+(Cadmium Yellow Light)+Titanium White–Titanium White
Tint: Ivory Black+Titanium White
Accent: Alizarin Crimson+Yellow Ochre Light+ Cadmium Orange
Outline shape with a liner brush using Titanium White+ (Cadmium Yellow Light) if there is yellow in your painting anywhere. Soften the line by blending.
Shade underneath and one side.
Inside waterdrop place light next to dark and a little color on the opposite side, softly blend.
Add a light, clean dot using Titanium White.
The Decorative Painter • SUMMER 2017 75

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