Page 92 - The Decorative Painter Summer 2017
P. 92

Mix a medium value green using Hooker’s Green Dark. You do not have to wet the leaf first, just paint them in. Referring to the Step-by-Step on page 89 as a guide, paint the leaves and stem of the flower. Paint one side of all the leaves and then come back and paint the other side. This will give the leaves a variety of color and the line down the center will look more realistic. You can add some Bumble- bee Yellow and/or Burnt Sienna to your green to give the leaves even more variety of color. Mix a darker value green by adding a touch of Burnt Sienna, and when the leaves are dry go back and paint this color on the leaves under the rose. Also, paint over the stem with this darker color.
When your painting is dry, mix a large puddle of Co- balt Blue for the background. Mixing a large puddle will help keep hard lines from forming if you have to stop to mix more paint. Start at the bottom left corner and paint in the Cobalt Blue going around the top to the right side and down right side. You can paint over the leaves at the top left. Just go across them with the blue; do not go back over them or they will fade out too much. Also, paint over some of the leaves at the bottom with the blue. This will push them back under the rose.
Mix a dark value pink to separate the petals. To darken the color just use more paint and less water. Now paint in the dark areas of the petals with a wet-on-dry technique. This means to place the color on dry paper where it will be the darkest, then quickly rinse out the brush with clean water. Place the brush on a paper towel to get out the excess moisture – you want just a damp brush. Now blend out the paint to keep from having a hard edge. You may have to do this a couple of times. Refer to the Step-by-Step on page 89 to determine where to place this dark color.
     90 The Decorative Painter
• SUMMER 2017

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