Page 25 - The Decorative Painter Summer 2018
P. 25

                                                              the many irregular shapes that all rocks have, with their tops catching the most light. The left sides would be the darkest, or shadowed side of the rocks; the right sides should be a lighter, medium value of the blue-grays, but not as light as the tops.
Be sure to set these boulders into the ground by pull- ing up weeds and twigs around the bases, and work in very dark greens under them for shadows. Do this at the bottom of the pines, too, where the trunks and limbs touch the ground. Use the foliage fan brush to add these dark shadows, blending the colors softly into the green
basecoat. Work with the twiggy liner brush to add the more definite blades of grass scattered all around the rocks. These are also the darkest shadow mix. There are a lot of them! Put in as many as you like!
Pull up taller grasses and suggestions of little bushes and weeds along the pond’s edge in the foreground and wherever else you would like to add more detail. Again, use the darkest shadow mix for these. When all is com- pletely dry, varnish with 2-3 coats of Winsor & Newton Liquin or Weber Liquiglaze.
 artist’s sketch
       Dorothy Dent was always inclined to be artistic since her earliest childhood days, and was involved in the creative art world for over 40 years. Born on a farm south of Springfield, Mo., she developed a love of old barns, water mills, cabins, and rural settings which are so prominent in the Ozarks which she became so well known.
Dorothy taught numerous workshops and weeklong seminars throughout the years in her studio, Painter’s
Corner, Inc., Republic, Mo., and around the country, and at various painting conventions hosted by the decora-
tive painting industry. As an internationally recognized artist, she traveled extensively in Canada, Japan, and
Argentina, and Australia, teaching her painting methods in an easy-to-understand, step-by-step procedure, al-
lowing even beginners to complete paintings they are proud of. Dorothy authored 40 books on landscape and floral painting as well as others that follow along with her two 13-week PBS television series, The Joy of Country Painting. Although Dorothy retired from teaching in 2016, her wonderful teaching materials, including books, DVDs, a multitude of packets, and her signature brushes are still available on the website, or call (417) 732-2076. Painter’s Corner, 108 W. Hwy. 174, Republic, MO 65738.
The Decorative Painter • SUMMER 2018 23

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