Page 1 - CYAA 2024 Winter Series Race Four Pre Race Notes
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CYAA 2024 Winter Series Race Four
                                               23  June 2024
                                               Pre race notes

         Hi to our 2024 winter series skippers, crews and supporters

         Yes, after a three week break we’re back in the saddle again.  Hand warmers and what ever
         else will be the go after the predicted early Sunday morning 3C, with a very light 5 knot

         Race four is our now traditional mid series pursuit start race, conducted for us by the
         RYCV. using the Royals Two Thorsen as the race committee boat. The start line  will be in

         the vicinity of the Middle Park Kerferd Road Pier. Use this link to access and download
         the Race four fleet start times. Scheduled start time for first boat off is 10:00 am.

         Links and QR codes for race documentation

         The Sailing instructions and courses applicable for race four can be
         downloaded from this link

         For a direct link to the course information only click on this link or
         use this QR code. Note these course descriptions contain QR codes for
         race POB sign on and access to the results sheets.

                              Here’s the link for the PoB and boat racing sign on For Mobile
                              phones here’s the QR code for people on board and boat racing sign on.

         Race results will be published ASAP after last boat home Here’s the QR
         code for the 2024 Winter Series race results.

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