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triumph of our national pride one which will will will mean mean many things to to many many people To some it it will will will mean mean a a a a a a a a a a a a a a place where they will will will go to to to refresh their minds and spirits to to to drink deeply at at the the the the the the the the eternal fountain which is Shakespeare To others it it will mean the the the the the the sheer magic of the the the the the the theater brought to to them by GrEAT GrEAT GrEAT STArS iN iN GrEAT GrEAT GrEAT rOlES iN iN GrEAT GrEAT GrEAT PlAyS ”
Lawrence Langner
Chairman of the Board
american Shakespeare festival Theater
tHeateR’S opeNiNg NigHt— JuLy 12 1955

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