Page 43 - The EDIT | Q1 2017
P. 43

The Enlighted Zagger and The Next Generation are Challenger Types that typify CURIOSITY at PHD.
The ‘Curiosity’ Challenger Types
You march to your own drum, Finding a Better Way by challenging what the prevailing culture, trend analysts and cool hunters tell you the world thinks important. You carry a critical eye for conventional wisdom, and a sharp stick and a bullhorn for bandwagon-jumpers and lemmings. You know
the rest of the world seems to buy into this as an acceptable way to live, but you are going to call it out for the BS it really is... open your eyes people!
You favour smart over strong, and prefer to work on the next big thing over maintaining the current status quo. You lean into the possibilities of new technologies, capabilities and thinking — exploring the opportunities it throws up to Find a Better
Way and challenge the old world order. Optimism, possibility and resilience are critical qualities for a successful Next Generation thinker.
THE EDIT ISSUE 05 | Q1 2017

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