Page 88 - The EDIT | Q1 2017
P. 88

The power Storytellin
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No doubt that data is becoming increasingly important for us at PHD, however data itself won’t “wow” our clients, nor will it create a point of differentiation from our competitors. It’s all about what insights we generate from the vast amount of data we have at hand, how we utilize it to better understand consumers — and ultimately, how we slice and dice it to create more impactful stories.
Widely acknowledged as one of the most commonly used buzz phrases in modern day business narrative, telling stories with data or “data storytelling” is becoming increasingly important for us to master, yet the term is often misunderstood or at best executed poorly.
This essay puts “data storytelling” under the microscope, by first building a definition of what it is and why it’s such a powerful proposition. Secondly, based on this definition, I’ll point out a few intrinsic
barriers that need to be overcome to make the data storytelling nirvana a reality.
Finally, this essay will attempt to demystify the process by presenting a framework that can be followed to aide in the journey of turning data into compelling and memorable stories.
Why is data storytelling indispensable for insight generation?
Data is everywhere and we’re generating it at an
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