Page 13 - Seaford College Sixth Form Experience
P. 13

   Hannah Wardrop
What do you study at Seaford?
I’m doing A Levels in English Literature, Spanish and Music.
Why did you choose these subjects?
I enjoy them and they all complement each other.
How long have you been at Seaford?
I started in Year 6.
Why did you choose Seaford?
I visited on an open day and was blown away by the grounds. It was so different to my old school which was small and on a main road. I really loved the people here too.
How did you find the transition from GCSE to A Levels?
A Levels are much harder than GCSEs but you get to establish a different relationship with the teachers. For me the transition has been marked by being treated like an adult because I am behaving like an adult. I really enjoy discussing ideas in lessons with my teachers.
Ross Donaldson
What do you study at Seaford?
Biology, Geography and PE A Levels.
How long have you been at Seaford?
I’ve been here since Year 9. I came from Amesbury School.
Why did you choose Seaford?
It’s a family tradition! I’m the youngest of four children and we’ve all come to Seaford.
How are you finding A Levels?
Good. Tough, but good! Year 13 has definitely ramped things up. I did well at GCSE and loved Biology. I didn’t find it that hard but now it’s almost like a new subject. The techniques needed are 10 times harder.
How did you find the transition from GCSE to A Levels?
Time management is so important now. It’s particularly important in Year 13 to plan and use the private study time. I then don’t have to do my work at home and I have time to take advantage of all of the activities at Seaford.
How does Seaford support you?
Seaford encourage independent working – this prepares you for outside life. The support is there if you need it. I sometimes visit my teachers in my private study time if I need help.
“Being a Music Scholar at Seaford has inspired me; ultimately I want to go to the Royal College of Music or another
Hannah Wardrop

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