Page 20 - Seaford College Sixth Form Experience
P. 20

 Future aspirations
  Kamal Sameer
What are your future aspirations?
I’d like to take a gap year to start my business. After that I’ll go to University – probably Strathclyde to do Business Enterprise. They have a really nice course there.
Seaford are helping me, Mr Pitteway is helping with UCAS. The teachers are always willing to look at your personal statements and application forms.
Who is your role model?
My dad. He’s very entrepreneurial and has set up his business and made it a success. I admire that.
Angelina Macari
What are your aspirations for the future?
I want to have a career in hospitality. My family is in the business already. They have a café (Macari’s) and have just opened a restaurant – Fino’s in Felpham. I work there at the moment which is really good experience for me.
I want to go into Event Planning too.
How are your year feeling about University?
I’m talking about it a lot with my peers – whether we are thinking of going or not. Not everyone wants to go – there’s a feeling that they don’t want three or four more years of education. A gap year is a good idea. It’s nice to know there are more options than just University.
At Seaford I am involved in the BTEC Hospitality Dinner which is brilliant. Our class are planning at the moment. I’m staying organised - we’re having meetings with the chefs to plan the menu which is really interesting. Our class all get on well and have group discussions. We make sure we always all agree on the final decision. It’s great experience and helps me know that I’m making the right choice for my future.

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