Page 13 - UCAS Apprenticeships and More
P. 13

Who to Contact and Who Can Help
If the whole process of trying to decide your next steps seems a little daunting, do not
stress. There are lots of people at Seaford who can help and support you.
This includes:
Your tutor – your tutor will be the one working
with you throughout the full process, and they
are your first port of call for all the basic issues
and guidance.
Your subject teachers – if you are considering
a course or career linked closely to one of your
subjects you are currently studying, subject
teachers will be able to advise you on the
basics of degrees, careers etc.
Mr Pitteway
UCAS Co-ordinator. Anything UCAS
related is worth running by Mr
Pitteway. He will have oversight of
all applications and will be working
with tutors, Heads of Departments
and with all of you in ensuring all
forms submitted are the best they
can be.
Mr Yates
Senior Deputy Head, Mr Yates is the
final gatekeeper of UCAS forms. He
is ultimately the person responsible
for sending all applications off on
behalf of Seaford College.
Mr Gisby
Specialises in Oxbridge and Early
Applicants (those typically studying
Law, Medicine, Veterinary Science
etc.). The chances are he already
has your name down on a list and
will be contacting you shortly.
Ms Loten
Head of Careers. Available
throughout the week (via
appointment) to discuss specific
issues relating to careers you are
interested in or to discuss what
to do if you really have no idea
what you want to do. Book an
appointment soon.
Dr Richardson
Any science-related courses (or
careers in science) are worth
discussing with Dr Richardson.
Major Plewes
Anyone thinking of joining the
armed forces (either straight
after school or after a degree)
would be well advised to speak
to Major Plewes about how to go
about this.
Mrs Vernon
Anyone applying for Music,
Drama or any of the performing
arts should speak to Mrs Vernon
about the process.
Mr Doubler
Anyone thinking of courses or
careers involving sport should
talk to Mr Doubler about these.
Also available
The Sixth Form Team
Mr Jones
Miss Robertson
Mr Kimber

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