Page 15 - Seaford College Sixth Form Experience Booklet
P. 15

   “Learning Support helped me immensely, I never thought I was academic but the teachers here are great. They have taken me from someone in Year 7 who struggled and wasn't confident, to where I am now. It's the safe atmosphere - it makes you feel like you are important and that translates into the academic. I will miss the people and the amazing facilities.”
James Thompson
Mariella Houweling
What do you study at Seaford?
A Level Biology, Chemistry and Maths – I like the challenge! The teachers know that I’m applying to study medicine and they help to challenge me and tell me what extra reading I need to do to get into university.
How long have you been at Seaford?
I have been here since Year 9. I’m now more independent and have matured. I’m a Peer Mentor and a Prefect and that has helped with university personal statement. I was interviewed for both roles which was a great experience. I’ve had the same teachers for a number of years so they have been able to help me revise. My tutors have supported me and they help you become who you want to be.
Why did you choose Seaford?
We chose Seaford because the school looks at you as an individual and how they can help you, it’s not all about what grades you will get to help the school (in league tables). I did entrance exams for a couple of well-known selective schools in Sussex and I had a taster day at them, but I just didn’t like the feel of them. Both places felt very pressurised. There is a lot of support at Seaford, both academically and pastorally. Seaford had the right feeling. If you get stuck with your work, you know that you can approach your teacher and they’ll be happy to help you. We do lots of leadership and team activities at school which is helpful for the future. There’s a good balance, I like it.
Megan Bennett
What do you study at Seaford?
A Level History, Textiles/Art and BTEC Sport
What do you think Seaford has done for you as a person?
Seaford has allowed me to grow in confidence and do things I wouldn’t see myself doing e.g. History A Level. I love it because of the teachers and how good they are, that’s why I chose it because they can help me. I used to think more about getting the grades but now I concentrate on what I’m learning and that makes it more interesting, which in turn helps get the grades! Mr Gisby has so much faith in all of his students and that’s why I wanted to be taught by him. Like to know why things happen in History, I might study it at university.
I’m also studying Textiles and BTEC Sport, I like the variety! Sport is my passion and I love the creativity of Textiles and History for the academic side! I like hockey, netball and cricket.
I was captain last year and I’m co-captain this year.
2A*s A, reading History at university

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