Page 19 - Seaford College Sixth Form Experience Booklet
P. 19
Freya Brazier
What do you study at Seaford?
English Literature, Biology and Geography A Levels.
Why did you choose these subjects?
I like academic subjects.
I find Biology really interesting. It’s hard but it teaches me to drive for something. English is really interesting too. I like analysing. You can read a book but to really understand it is something different. You kind of get to look inside someone’s brain. Coming up with ideas about why something is written – I like that.
Idoartinmyowntime–Iwind down with it, for me it would have been too much to do as a subject. Both my grandads were artists. One did illustration for the BBC and taught at the Royal Academy of Arts.
How long have you been at Seaford?
I started in Year 6, so eight years ago. It was very different then. A lot less modern.
How did you find the transition from GCSE to A Levels?
It’s nice to have only three subjects to focus on. Study periods are a life saver. I get the prep done so I am able to relax after school. It’s upping the tempo with the complexity of the subject so I need to take time off for myself. I plan my time well – I make sure I get it done. I quite like it. It’s fast and there’s a lot of interesting ideas and concepts to get into.
In Purple Time I do Biomedical Science, it helps me understand stats better. It's great to have co- curricular activities that support my academic studies.
“Being a Music Scholar at Seaford has inspired me;
ultimately I want to go to the Royal College of
Music or another Conservatoire.”
Hannah Wardrop
Year 14: We offer a further year of part time study for any students wishing to opt to study Voice in further education. This programme supports all aspects of training including aural skills, sight reading, harmony, voice lessons, languages, choirs, concerts, diplomas, movement class and keyboard skills with a dedicated team of specialists. This will enable students to be guided through auditions to a conservatoire or university and focus their attention on developing their skills to a high level pre- application. Recently we have nurtured students who were awarded scholarships to the Royal College of Music and the Birmingham Conservatoire.