Page 4 - Seaford College Sixth Form Experience Booklet
P. 4

Joe Follows
Most likely to hear you say:
“No dramas”
Favourite quote: “Geography; keeping Crayola in business since 1885”, is one people love to throw at me, along with the other colouring in jokes. “It always seems impossible until it is done,” from Nelson Mandela, would be the quote for me though.
Favourite subjects in school:
Geography and Drama
Hobbies or interests: I collected beer mats for many years as my Dad told me they were cheaper than Pokemon cards. I’ve got a season ticket at Southampton FC with my mum – although the boys in the Boarding House are trying to convince me to convert to watching rugby! I love a good documentary as well!
Desert island meal: Steak and Stilton pie and chips, with good gravy. And a nice pint, obviously.
Top things to do: Go to the theatre, be outside, travel to new places, and watch “Who Dares Wins” and “The Apprentice” religiously when they are on.
Top thing on your bucket list: To touch down / step in every time-zone.
Favourite place: That is hard, as a geographer! There are some amazing places out there, and I’ve been lucky enough to go to a few. I have a couple, but for different reasons. I absolutely love going to Iceland, and taking the kids is amazing – seeing their reactions to the scenery and their appreciation for the power of nature is awesome. I also cannot recommend Angkor Wat temples in Cambodia enough – a truly inspirational location.
Are you living your best life? On the first parents’ evening when I was in reception, the teacher said tomymumthatonedayI’dbea teacher so I guess I am. At the time I didn’t know I’d be working with teenagers, but I love it!
Director - Head of Sixth Form, Joe Follows
Sixth Form at Seaford is about going beyond the classroom experience and seeking success in everything we do and offer. Personal bests will only happen in an environment that is conducive to developing students that are happy, supported and engaged in everything they do.
As Director – Head of Sixth Form, I ensure that every student within the Sixth Form is aiming for their personal bests, whilst feeling valued and making the most of the activities and enrichment opportunities offered across the College. From the very beginning of life in the Lower Sixth, where the GCSE roller-coaster has just come to an end and we are on the coach to Llangollen, North Wales for our Lower Sixth Induction trip, right through to the final examinations, assignment deadlines and the Leavers’ Ball at the end of the Upper Sixth, we are pushing towards personal bests in everything we do.
Boarding, day and international students all play a vital part of our College community and are treated as individuals. Whether they are involved in academic excellence, sporting success or enrichment activities, the wealth of opportunities is limitless at Seaford. Alongside all of this, our pastoral support is second-to-none, and some of our students support this process as Peer Mentors and Prefects. We strive forward together and work towards achieving excellence across College life.
I urge you to explore what is on offer here; see and hear what our students say and think; come and have a conversation with us about the Seaford Sixth Form of which we are proud to be a part.

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