Page 41 - Seaford College Sixth Form Experience Booklet
P. 41
Megan Bennett
What do you like about boarding?
Boarding is great because all my friends board. It’s like having a massive sleep over, we cook and eat together and it’s so much fun. It’s nice to have the boys next door, we are allowed into their common room to socialise. It’s nice not to be separated. Boarding makes you get your work done but you have to schedule your time well, it’s one of the things you have to learn.
What do you think is the biggest challenge facing your generation?
I think people put barriers up and think they have to be a great persona, rather than just be themselves. Social media plays a big part in these personas. I don’t try and be someone else.
My father is a big part of my life. I look at his work ethic and he still has lots of time for his family. We all get together every Sunday. I have a very supportive family, we help each other out when we feel down.
Rupert Blackwell
Tell us about boarding
I’ve been boarding since Year 12. I love it. I like spending more time with friends and it makes the day shorter without all of the travelling. I go to the gym at 7am and then head to Mansion for breakfast, I like eating Coco Pops with my friends! I love all of these sorts of things, they make me happy.
What is the biggest problem facing your generation?
Probably to be comfortable in yourself. Social media and magazines constantly show perfection. I think we all need to be happy with who we are so that it doesn’t affect you. I was speaking to Mr Green about league tables. They are only about exam results, they don’t show the time and care which teachers give (academically and pastorally). Seaford is 15 years ahead of other schools pastorally but it’s not something that can be measured.
I’d like to go into teaching, being Headmaster could be fun! I can’t see myself being anywhere other than Seaford.
“Boarding was great fun, it was really helpful for revisionpurposes. ThePinkHousewasabighelpfor me, certainly earlier on in my school career. My tutors were also a great help, they helped me stick with it. I’ve always had a great support network, Seaford is a community that cares.”
Ollie Somers
2As and B heading to Exeter to read Geography