Page 50 - Seaford College Sixth Form Experience Booklet
P. 50
Fergus Segrove
Do you have any special roles at Seaford?
I am a Prefect and Deputy Head Boy. The main responsibility is supervising Year 9 prep sessions.
I go to Prefect meetings and help at Open Mornings. I really enjoy that – I love giving tours and promoting the school. I particularly love showing visitors the Johnson Centre as that is where my passion is. I’ve learnt a lot about the school to be able to answer questions. I remember what I’ve been asked and will then research the answers so I know more for next time.
When I was in Year 9, I really admired the Prefects so I thought it’d be a good job to have. To be one now feels brilliant.
Tell us about what you do for performing arts.
The first musical I was in was Little Shop of Horrors. In Year 10 I was the lead in The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui by Bertolt Brecht. That was a lot of lines for a 15 year old! I’ve also been in Twelfth Night, Antigone and The Sound of Music – I was drumming for that too. This year there’s Pride and Prejudice and Les Misérables.
In The Sound of Music I played a Nazi and I performed music. I was the drummer and I was asked to ad lib the music. In the penultimate week of rehearsals, I memorised the music and then worked out what to play.
I sing at Seaford too. I was in the choir at one point. I’ve restarted LAMDA too. It’s the one and only
source of teaching drama for me now because I don’t study it for A Level. It’s great as there are always things to learn.
What else do you do at Seaford?
I like using the gym. I’ve also played football and have done the drum-call for CCF.
What do you like about Seaford?
I’ve always had very good teachers. They give so much support to the students. They‘re very attentive – perfectly willing to arrange extra sessions if you need them. Support is excellent here too.
“Sport has played an important role in developing my academic success and has encouraged me to work as hard in the classroom as I do on the sports field.
I have had amazing encouragement and sporting tips from my teachers which has allowed me to take things away from school sport into my sport outside of school. It’s a very good community and Mr Follows (Director - Head of Sixth Form) was really helpful. He’s calm and positive and you just feel happy when you talk to him. I love Seaford because of the amount of sport we do in a week.
In my private study periods the facilities in the Johnson Centre allow me to work on my strength and conditioning and complete my training programme. I have noticed my performance improve because of this; I can perform at a higher level than before and push myself that little bit more every week.”
Xenia Truman
Upper Sixth Sports Scholar