Page 54 - Seaford College Sixth Form Experience Booklet
P. 54

 William Heath
Tell us about the clubs you enjoy at Seaford
I like the Current Affairs Club and the Debating Club. The Debating Club is run by Mr Finniear and we debate a topic. Recently we did: “Should gambling adverts be banned?”
For Current Affairs we set up a group chat and we each have to find an article on a particular subject and we then forward it to Miss Thomas. We have to say where we found the article (to ensure the information is correct). We need to read around the subject in order to gain a balanced view, a lot of information online can be too far to the left or right wing. We discuss the subject in the club. Both teachers support each other as many students do both clubs which is great.
What made you decide
to do the Devizes to Westminster Marathon?
I wanted a challenge and it’s a good for the university personal statement! It was different to the DofE that I did, it was a lot longer and tougher! I needed to dig deep and it was a real endurance challenge, I learnt a lot about myself. We were fundraising for Ellie (Seaford student that needs expensive treatment in America). We were fundraising as a team and this made it less of an individual goal. £1,500 has been raised so far.
What did you learn about yourself when you did DW?
If you want something, you just have to keep on going. One winter Sunday morning when it was snowing, I went in the water 14 times in the Guildford canal, but I had to keep on getting back into the boat as I so wanted to do it. I was expecting to get hypothermia!
During the marathon I wanted to see Westminster, so I had to keep going in order to finish and qualify for the race. I cried when we achieved our goal! I was so tired, my muscles ached, it was 5am and foggy, the water was choppy and suddenly we could see Big Ben. I was just so happy not to have to get back into the boat again! We started near Bath and passed Marlow, where I grew up, and then reached London, having crossed the country. It was quite an achievement and an experience I’ll never forget.
What do you do for Purple time?
I have just started fencing and I love it. It’s a very strategic sport, it’s great to find something new in the Sixth Form.
What have you gained from Seaford?
Confidence, determination and resilience. It’s taught me that you have to work to achieve your goals/aims. I learnt never to give up. Other friends find their schools very pressurised and therefore don’t enjoy it as much as I enjoy life at Seaford. Student welfare is at the forefront of Seaford. I know that if I had a problem I could go to the Pink House even though I’ve never used it. You know you’d be looked after and would have someone to talk to.
Why did you do Les Misérables?
I heard that they needed more cast members so I gave it a go! It was the first production I’ve taken part in. I liked the humour and the fact that I was allowed get into my character. I might do Guys and Dolls but it’s a huge commitment to fit in around my school work, especially in Year 13. I need to focus on my academic work so we’ll see how that goes.

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