Page 63 - Seaford College Sixth Form Experience Booklet
P. 63
“We came to Seaford College for an Open Morning and were absolutely wowed with the qualityandfriendlinessofthestaff. Seafordisafantasticschoolforacademicchildren but atthesametime,it’sabouthavingabalancedlife—“workinghardandplaying hard”, as Mr Green says - and Seaford gets the balance right. You can have all the resources in the world and it won’t make a difference if the staff don’t care, and I think all the staff here genuinely care. They’ve all gone over and above for Tabitha. They’ve nurtured her, she hasn’t felt under pressure - she has achieved these grades with a smile on her face.
So it’s not just the academic, it’s about relationships, and if the relationships are right then you do well, don’t you? Tabitha has got really good friends, and professional but very deep relationships with her teachers because she knows how much they care. She was working for them as much as for herself. We have been delighted with the school; it’s like a genuine family, and Tabitha wouldn’t have done any better anywhere else.”
Mrs Hill
Tabitha Hill is applying to Oxbridge