Page 7 - Seaford College Sixth Form Experience Booklet
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to Sixth Form
 We welcome many new students into the Sixth Form and we support the transition to a new school in every way we can. Students moving from Seaford’s Senior School to the Sixth Form have great continuity, with their teachers helping them to choose A Level subjects that may help them with any particular career or university aims.
We also ensure that students in our Sixth Form are given greater independence and responsibility, creating an environment to help prepare them for university and life beyond school, including a separate boarding house for Year 13.
The transition from GCSE to Sixth Form is a significant time for students. Social pressures from peer groups and social media abound, whilst, in the classroom, subjects get harder and the careful planning of study time is crucial to academic success.
Students who complete their education in Seaford’s Sixth Form enjoy a range of privileges appropriate for their age, as well as comfortable study bedrooms and their own Common Room and social spaces. Separate boarding houses are provided for the Upper Sixth, and in these students enjoy a lifestyle and facilities befitting young men and women about to embark on life at university. Spacious study bedrooms offer ample room to revise for those all-important end-of-year exams.
As well as fantastic facilities and a broad range of co-curricular activities, Seaford provides a breadth of choice in A Level subjects. Sixth formers are divided into small tutor groups and meet with their tutors to discuss aspects of their work and monitor their progress.
We have additional academic and careers support which includes a mentoring system to stretch students beyond the curriculum and coach them through university applications, as well as dedicated support for those looking to follow a different path.
Boarders eat good food, exercise regularly, and have dedicated prep time with access to many different subject teachers, which translates into students achieving their potential. Most of the College Sixth Formers go on to university or higher education. All are equipped with self-confidence and entrepreneurial skills, as well as a passion for life and a willingness to succeed, whatever their chosen path or career.
“Seaford is the best money I’ve ever spent. Better than designer handbags. Epic headmaster.
I think that the school has been responsible for quite a transformation in both my children, in terms of their confidence and their sense of themselves, a deeper understanding of their own gifts. And that has completely changed their energy as people.
It isn’t this big pressured environment of high expectation that feels suffocating, but they are still managing to empower the kids. There’s quite a sweet spot there.”
Deborah Holden, proud mum
Rupert Blackwell
What has Seaford done for you as a person?
My character has grown from a shy and timid Year 3 pupil to a confident and friendly person. It’s only now that I’m in my final year that I’m truly realising what Seaford has done for me. The other schools we looked at felt quite serious and unnatural. Seaford is a friendly environment, anyone will say hello to anyone; we’re happy to wear pink ties; no- one takes themselves too seriously!
What advice would you give to someone coming to Seaford?
Throw yourself at everything Seaford has to offer – drama, music and CCF. Give it a go. Some of my best moments have been in the choir or musicals. In Les Misérables I sang on my own for the first time, it wasn’t something that I ever thought I’d do.
I love Seaford because...
it’s my home. I’ve been here a long time and it’s somewhere that I’ve felt comfortable; found solace. There is always someone to talk with or who will listen to you. Everyone has time for you whether it’s academically or pastorally. Unfortunately, this isn’t something that schools can be measured against – maybe other schools will catch up in 10 to 15 years’ time. Teachers are always happy to give up their time for you – they make you feel you have worth and value.

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