Page 6 - Seaford College Scholarships 2023
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 Academic Scholarships
The Ad Alta Academic Scholars
at Seaford are encouraged to go beyond the classroom and extend their learning in multiple ways – from research projects to enrichment trips to academic conferences. They are challenged to take their learning to a new level.
All Academic Scholars will be assigned an academic mentor who is normally an expert in a particular field which is also of interest to the scholar. Together, they identify a research opportunity and undertake work to explore this area.
All Academic Scholars are supported by a bespoke programme designed to challenge and extend their knowledge beyond the school curriculum.
Academic Scholars have access to the Seaford Scholarship fund (up to £100 per year) which they access to enhance their research. At
the end of it, scholars will be expected to present the research and key conclusions to their mentor and the Headmaster in a way of their choosing, for example a written paper, a presentation, or an artefact.
The Application Process at 11+
Academic scholars sit four one hour exams in English, Science and Maths as well as General Knowledge. These are developed so that they align with typical KS2 curricula and are accessible by all students.
Anton Holofaiev, Academic
The Application Process at 13+
Academic scholars will sit the ISEB papers in English, Maths and Science and must show
a strong ability across these papers with a particular interest/strength in one of these areas, which they should elect as their chosen field of scholarship.
Compulsory Papers:
English 1 hour 45 minutes – Common Academic Scholarship based paper
Mathematics 1 hour 30 minutes – Common Academic Scholarship based paper
Science 1 hour 30 minutes – Common Academic Scholarship based paper
Timetables will be forwarded to candidates prior to the examinations.
The Application Process at 16+
Academic scholars at 16+ will be expected to be predicted, and consequently show, exceptional performance at GCSE Level, scoring 7s to 9s across their range of chosen subjects.
At interview, they will be expected to demonstrate passion and interest in their chosen field that goes beyond the school curriculum.
 I have been able to push academic boundaries further than I ever thought possible at Seaford. Both inside lessons where teachers challenge your thinking and outside where opportunities such as the EPQ extend your thoughts and help prepare you for university life.
During Scholars sessions we examined Oxbridge entry and held workshops delivered by the school on how to enhance your personal statement. Equally, I was thoroughly prepared for interviews having held gruelling interviews at Seaford. I was delighted when I was offered a place to study Chemistry and have also been awarded a full scholarship!

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