Page 21 - Seaford College Autumn Newsltter 2022
P. 21

 Careers Update
This term, most of Year 11 have had a careers interview, looking at the results of the Morrisby profiling test and considering options for Sixth Form and beyond. These interviews continue next term giving more clarity, especially in the light of mock exam results.
This year sees the start of ‘Careers Teas’ which replace the sessions we used to hold for Year
11 during PD time on a Monday afternoon. The approach is more informal with the emphasis being on the questions that the students might have and, as they are no longer part of the PD programme, they are open to all students from Year 10 to Year 13. There have been a number of offers from our parents to contribute to this as usual, for which we are very grateful.
In October we held our first Careers Tea in the Sixth Form Centre Café, with the theme being the ‘Law’. The two speakers, Paul Walker and Heather Greenwood (pictured), enlightened us on the difference between being a barrister and a solicitor and there was plenty of advice for routes into the career, especially as Mrs Greenwood lectures at the University of Law.
In November we held a second successful Careers Tea with the focus being on the Forces - Police and Armed. David McDonald from the Metropolitan Police spoke about his very interesting job and Sgt Tom Fuller came for his third visit to talk about the Armed Forces and the
RAF in particular. Also joining them was Marine Ash Goodwin who since leaving Seaford has really thrown himself into his career with the Royal Marines and spoke very enthusiastically about his time with them so far. The general message was that there are so many opportunities available, but do make sure to boost any application with a good range of co-curricular activities.
In January, the third Careers Tea will be about ‘Marketing’. We will have three speakers with experience of marketing sports, charities and our own school. This will be held in the Year 11 Common Room on 24th January.
  Love to learn

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