Page 5 - Seaford College - Welcome to Year 9 2022/23
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Seaford College Curriculum for Year 9
The Year 9 curriculum offers an exciting first step into your academic life in the Senior School at Seaford. The curriculum is split into two halves, the ‘core’ and ‘option’ subjects. The option subjects allow students to have some autonomy over their academic life, now that they are in the Senior School.
All students study a core curriculum of English, Maths and Science. These will likely contribute at least 5 GCSE grades at the end of Year 11 and so a good portion of a Year 9 student’s time is given over to these key subjects.
These subjects are supplemented with additional core subjects; Geography, History, Art, Design & Technology, a Modern Foreign Language and an extensive co-curricular programme.
Students how have some choices to make. Students have 5 ‘curriculum points’ which must be spent on filling out the rest of their curriculum. The table below shows you how many curriculum points each subject is worth. Students must select at least one language as a part of their curriculum.
Languages each worth 2 curriculum points
Other subjects each worth 1 curriculum point
French Spanish
Business Computer Science Dance
Food Preparation and Nutrition
ICT Latin Music PE
Religious Studies
Information about each of the subjects in the table above can be found throughout the rest of this booklet. It is not always possible to make every combination of subjects work but we will work to ensure that as many students as possible get their first choice of subjects.