Page 24 - Seaford GCSE Options Booklet 2022
P. 24
BTEC First Award in Business
Everybody works for a business. Whether you are self-employed or working
for a global multi-national corporation, having an understanding of business will help you succeed. BTEC First Award in Business is a great starting point towards many careers in the business world. You’ll learn essential skills such as business enterprise, project management, selling and promoting a brand, financial awareness, and planning to making a profit. Business also incorporates skills from many other subjects such as English, Maths and the Creative Arts.
Course Outline:
This course consists of 4 components as listed below:
1. Introduction to Business (25% of course, 3 coursework assignments)
• Researchinto2reallife businesses
• Useresearchto produce 3 assignments on different topics
2. Finance for Business (25% of course,
75 minute online examination)
• Studyarangeof topics regarding costs, revenues and profits in planning and running businesses
• Thequestionswill include a range of written answers and calculations
3. Enterprise in the Business World (25% of course, 2 coursework assignments, Synoptic)
• Carryoutresearch regarding the business environment to identify a gap in the market for a new business idea
• Prepareaplanfor launching your business using ideas from all other parts of the course
4. Promoting a Brand (25% of course,
2 coursework assignments)
• Researchexisting brands and understand how they work to help the performance of businesses
• Preparepromotional material for a brand as part of a marketing campaign
Examination Board:
Head of Department:
Mr E Reynolds
“This course helps students to understand what’s going on in the world and develop a wide range of entrepreneurial skills using creative ideas.”
Mr E Reynolds, Head of Business.