Page 36 - Seaford GCSE Options Booklet 2022
P. 36
IGCSE History
Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it! With this mantra in mind, our lessons will place you in the shoes of people like Kennedy and Khrushchev to enable you to explore and understand their reasons behind key decisions. Lessons may require you to make judgements on the significance of Hitler’s Enabling Act or conclude whether the US Prohibition Act was successful. You will leave having engaged critically with these fascinating historical arguments and understand there relevance to modern day.
History at Seaford is about engaging with the historical narrative rather than never-ending facts. All students should leave as able historians, in the hope that not all history will be repeated!
Course Outline:
The course consists of 2 examination papers; eachpaperhastwo components as listed below:
1. Paper 1 (50% of the course, 1 hour 45 minute written examination)
• Germany,1918-1945
• ADividedUnion:
Civil Rights in the USA, 1945-1974
2. Paper 2 (50% of the course, 1 hour 45 minute written examination)
• USA,1919-1941
• ChangesinMedicine 1848-1948
Examination Board:
Head of Department:
Mr J Gisby
“Many of the topics covered are not just relatable to current affairs but are still influencing our lives today.”
Harry Leaver 34